I definitely read somewhere about a year ago of a small GPS set that you attach to the tender or the jetbike and it constantly transmits its lat-long back to the mother ship (or whatever is the correct term, sounds like a spaceship) by short wave radio I guess, or maybe a cellphone. The position of the tender/jetbike then shows up on the mother ship plotter screen. Basically it's a device for keeping an eye on the kids. Does anyone know who makes/sells it, seen it in any catalogs?
I know about the GPS benefon, it's not that, that's a great toy but it is too hard to interface with my plotter. (Needs some clever telematics to convert the SMS message sent by the benefon to the mother ship cellphone into a NMEA format so can display on the plotter).
Any ideas? Matt your new launch must have this as std kit?
I know about the GPS benefon, it's not that, that's a great toy but it is too hard to interface with my plotter. (Needs some clever telematics to convert the SMS message sent by the benefon to the mother ship cellphone into a NMEA format so can display on the plotter).
Any ideas? Matt your new launch must have this as std kit?