Can a boat be registered in the name of a minor on SSR?


Well-known member
13 Sep 2008
Far away from hooray henrys
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I had to change my boats from SSR to Latvian Registry because I was not resident in UK anymore ... technically Resident but not Resident is the term.

OK - I know that's not OP's problem as far as I see .... but it highlighted something that I was not aware of till trying to renew my boats (I have 4) SSR's.

I named my Son as primary and myself as secondary - that way I didn't need letters of authority etc. to have and use outside UK. My son lives in UK.

SSR refused the applications and stated that they had the right to require copies of UK residence, UK tax and Social Security payments and Utility Bills showing ALL named persons were residing in UK.

This all happened about 2008 ... and SSR when I telephoned them to ask why we had received refusal - pointed to clauses regarding proof of residence etc. ... and that SSR had decided about that time to enforce due to questionable registrations before. I even asked to be REMOVED from the Register to allow it to go through, they said it made no difference.

Its same with UK Driving Licence now !!

I do not know if the OP may come up against the Tax / SS / Utility bill requirement .... but just mentioning it happened to myself and my Son.
Unfortunately - I cannot access the Guidelines as its all now an Online Register site ...