I've been looking for a couple of folding bikes and the prices in the States are almost dollar for pound. Has anyone met with any problems getting such relatively bulky items sent from the US ?
Well I got a computer serviced and sent back from the states.
I have also bought several items from Radio Shack, Westmarine and Boater's World although none as large as a folding bike. However I got some stainless chain once, that must have been as heavy as a bike!
The only bugbear is customs. Sometimes they send you a bill for the VAT and sometimes not. See if the sender is willing to describe the goods as "Warranty replacement -no material value" or "Used Electronic goods - no commercial value" and this often gets things through. Bike might be difficult on that though!
Bill - do you know anyone who has a business and imports from the US? If you do, perhaps they could help.
Alternatively, I am in Florida, and might be able to help if you let me know what you are looking for. Another problem might be if the bikes arrive damaged. What do you do then?