After my first season on the south coast based in Brighton, I begin to wonder wether the winds in the
channel would ever favour cruising for more than a day at a time. If fact one of my worse days was in
early August, middle of so called british summer, when I got caught out in a force 6-7 (met said 3-4)
westerly round Beachy Head horrendous.
Apart from that day my log confirms that during short cruises taking family and friends out in Jun/ July
the wind was rarely less than 3-4 often S SW,which does not exactly encourage family & friends
(who are not used to the sea), to repeat the experience, which is not pleasureable in those conditions.
Put my wife off completely. Managed to get a couple of days of nice F2 winds but that was about it.
I am tempted to go see what the med is like. I wonder if anybody has tried a season in the Med and
then said "sod this I'm off back to the good old channel" No I don't suppose anyone wants to return to
British winds. Any comments.
channel would ever favour cruising for more than a day at a time. If fact one of my worse days was in
early August, middle of so called british summer, when I got caught out in a force 6-7 (met said 3-4)
westerly round Beachy Head horrendous.
Apart from that day my log confirms that during short cruises taking family and friends out in Jun/ July
the wind was rarely less than 3-4 often S SW,which does not exactly encourage family & friends
(who are not used to the sea), to repeat the experience, which is not pleasureable in those conditions.
Put my wife off completely. Managed to get a couple of days of nice F2 winds but that was about it.
I am tempted to go see what the med is like. I wonder if anybody has tried a season in the Med and
then said "sod this I'm off back to the good old channel" No I don't suppose anyone wants to return to
British winds. Any comments.