OK - when you've got head above water in breather pipe, wait for water to drop then go for it - this will take split second timing.
The minute water has dropped go left. Then up ( to c5). In c5 go left, then keep going straight across (to A5). go up in A5 where you will be able to open the door just before the next wave of water hits you if you have gone fast enough.It's actually quite easy, you just need to be very certain where you are going. Once through the door, go up the ladder where you go into the pipes again
<hr width=100% size=1>Utinam logica falsa tuam philisophiam totam suffodiant
But Brendan your old latin teacher castigates (or maybe even castigatum et castratum) you yet again /forums/images/icons/mad.gif - it is philosophiam /forums/images/icons/smile.gif.
By the way, when are you going to come out here again to learn some real latin?
Well it will be an interesting experience meeting a man with a fruit from the banana family stuck in his ear, waiting for a cheque in the mail, expecting people to get close enough to read his Latin bumper stickers on his chariot and then sound their horn when they have done so.
The beauties of Latin, paints a picture in a manner with which English cannot complete - possibly because English speakers have more important things on their minds /forums/images/icons/smile.gif.
Cheers Brendan, Thanks for that, A good easy one to start with, Now completed.
Moved onto this one know : <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.marleentimmer.com/worteldrie/milkiw/english/game.html>http://www.marleentimmer.com/worteldrie/milkiw/english/game.html</A>
I'm in the garage with the safe in the middle of the floor, I can get the no. flasking up on the side of it, and the Musical note on the key pad to the safe. When i press the corresponding note, Nothing is happening,
What do i do next???
<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://arweb.co.uk/argallery/alistair?&page=1> My Pictures, Look if you want.</A>
Press the button on side of car lift, the numbers on side of safe correspond to you top line of keyboard, just pick 2 numbers to follow its easier ,cause if you get it wrong lift comes down, when lift at top screen extends up to reveal a torch.
But i can't get the computer to work. And i know there is something in the Mailbox, Probably a floopy disk, So how do i get the computer on, and the mailbox open??
<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://arweb.co.uk/argallery/alistair?&page=1> My Pictures, Look if you want.</A>
get the numbers running on the side of the safe.
If number 1 flashes, press 1 on keyboard
if number 2 flashes, press 2 on keyboard etc etc. Ramp will go up. If you press wrong number, ramp goes back down.
<hr width=100% size=1>Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabris, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.