

New member
14 Sep 2002
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A long time ago I was shown how to tie a bowline one-handed and by throwing a two loops around each other.
Since it is probably impossible to discribe the technique in words, does anyone know of a book/web-site/video etc that discribes this technique?


Two steps lower than the ships' cat
17 Apr 2002
NE Scotland
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Can't do it one-handed, but I was shown a technique whereby you make a couple of loops in a rope, then take the end through a ring on the quay, then back and through one of the loops that you've already made. A sharp pull, and there you have a bowline. Is this what you mean??

You're right - It's difficult to describe in words. Could try and show you if ever you're in Aberdeen, or I'm down "South", wherever that is !


Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Like tome says, its difficult to describe. It involves putting a twist in the standing part,pushing more of the standing part through to make a loop .. pass the end back through the loop thus formed and when it is pulled tight the twist & loop collapse forming a bowline. Excellent for retying the clew of a genoa. Get a bit of rope & experiment!


New member
18 Feb 2002
West Yorkshire, UK
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The one handed technique strictly only applies if the standing part is attached to something. It used to be of use to climbers needing to tie on to a rope lowered from above leaving one hand free to maintain a hold.

In that case you pass the free end round your back with the one hand and take it up on the other side so you have a loop round your back and the loose end in your hand pointing up the standing part. Still gripping the rope lay your wrist across and on top of the standing part. Now the tricky bit to describe. Now bend your wrist away from you and downward and bring your hand up from under the standing part inducing a loop in that around your wrist and the rope in your hand. With your fingers pass the free end round the back of the standing part and gather it in your hand on the other side. Draw your hand and the rope through the loop around your wrist and the resulting knot is a bowline (or should be).

Now, did you get that?


15 Mar 2004
LB of Wandsworth-on-sea
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Exactly how I was taught to to do it as a Cub many decades ago. We were told at the time that it was important so that we could be rescued if we fell over a cliff and broke an arm. To this day I remember how to do it, but I'll be up 'sh*t creek' if I break the wrong arm!


17 Mar 2004
Butts Ash Near Hythe,Hants,UK
Re: One handed bowlines.

It takes much less time to tie the knot than it does to describe how to tie it but here goes. This assumes a right-handed person. Attach a rope to a strongish point and take the bitter end in your right fingers. Do NOT let go until the knot is finished. Step over the rope so it pass behind your waist from left to right and stretch your right arm out to give you enough bitter end to play with. Lay your wrist over the rope; point your hand towards your feet and bring your hand up in front of your stomach, so your hand now points away from you, to the right of and parallel to the rope and you have a loop around your wrist. Pass your hand behind the rope from right to left and although I said " don't let go until finished", let the bitter end wriggle out of your fingers behind the rope and back into your fingers in front of the rope. Pull your hand to your right hip through the loop around your wrist and take hold of the rope at your hip. Take a step backwards. The End. Wriggling your hand out of the loop around your wrist is a bit of a fiddle but it is easier if the whole thing up to that point has a bit of slack. I wish I could watch you try but I know it works as I have been teaching this to Scouts for far too many years. Good luck. R. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif