Boating clique


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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i agree too.

However, i'm afraid to say that one does tend to met fewer people with a bigger boat - in my exp bigger than say 50 feetish.

imho, the reasons for this are partly that it's quite difficult to meet people,catch their eye, say hi, etc when they are 10 yards away on their flybridge rather than elbow to elbow in smaller boats. I think praps also biger boats have sortof fewer "group helpable" problems - they become all sort of weirdish problems that need an expert. like my engine blowing up, a knacekred passarelle or wotever. Nonetheless, when help realy has been needed (like when small son flew into water at st trop on roller blades) he was helped v quickly indeed.

Another issue is that the bigger boats get chucked miles away on back of X pontoon, so not many people around anyway. And, in the med on bigger boats at least, the people on the boat cd easily be the crew, not really at play but at work, or are a charter group, so not much boatiness to be yakked about really - it's not their boat so you can't talk about their boat of "problem eh?" cos they don't knwo of any probs at all. It floats doen't it? So what's the problem?

Also bigger boats are a bit selfcontained, so no meeting at the shower block, we've all got icemakers and nice places to sit down so one has to make more of an effort to mix with others.

I'm afraid that some (bigger especially) boats are bought by people wanting to make some snooty nasty statement rather than as a laugh. Okay, as a Big laugh.

Finally, people, everyone are indeed blown away by bigger boats than theirs and I am afraid are sometimes actually LOOKING for people to be snooty sometimes, when they actually ain't. Example in a fr port recently, another boat has to raft alongside for fuel, and he decides to lash onto the fwd cleat and haul back as the means of coming alongside, using my topsides as leverage for his boat and he had hardly any fenders on. So i whipped his fwd line off and askim ahem to bring it alongside (no wind) using engines pls, not using my boat. Then he got into a right mawk that i was being all snooty when anyone with a boatof any size wd've have been a bit ooerish regardless. Big bioats aren't normally like concrete quaysides after all.

Finally,another reason for me making fewer friends with a bigger boats is that like anyone buying an unecesarily large boat (not just sunseekers either) I was interviewed to establish that i am indeed a total git, cos otherwise they just won't let you take delivery...


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10 Sep 2002
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I know the answer but I'm not telling you because my boat is bigger than yours :)

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21 Jun 2003
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Hi Martyn
I was tempted to reply along the lines of "yes but mine works" but I decided not to /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

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21 Jun 2003
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I did say that "I decided not to" /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

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