BMC 1.5 - Seawater Pump



At long last I have discovered the overheating problem on my new (old) lump. The previous owner fitted to the front of the engine an engine driven pump (with 1/2" connections)- I think this pump is if you have keel cooling- (The impellor is quite small).

All throughout I have 3/4" water connections up to my heat exchanger and i want a pump with a larger impellor and able to pass water through 3/4" piping. I've seen a belt driven 3/4" pump that fit to the side of the engine for this engine, but I will have a problem fitting one due to poor access even if I could get one. also I have a real problem of added an extra pulley to the flywheel

Now the crux..... 1) Is there a front mounted 3/4" big impellor pump that will fit in place of my 1/2" one. 2/ Failing that - whats the consensus of fitting an electric pump in place of the engine driven pump ???

Any other ideas ??


John I have just converted my boat to fresh water cooling as i did with my last boat, getting the bits together and making what i cannot get,I struggled in making a bracket to fit a pump on the engine run by the alternator belt but i would not fit an electric pump as a big advantages of the diesel engine is once started most dont need electric to run and it would always be a weak point good luck


John, Speak to ASAP in Beccles on 01502 716993. They stock all sorts of marinisation and conversion part for this engine and will probably be able to supply you with just the right pump. Regards, Eddie