Bizarre Moderating

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Well-known member
16 May 2016
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Just had a ban for a few days. Someone made a post that i thought was boring, so i posted a yawning emoticon, banned. Seems especially bizarre because the forum "smilies" include a yawning "smily".

Over moderation kills forums, which perhaps explains why virtually no industry professionals post here any more and the place is a shadow of its former self.

Who are these people who moderate the forums ?


Well-known member
9 Jun 2017
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Just had a ban for a few days. Someone made a post that i thought was boring, so i posted a yawning emoticon, banned. Seems especially bizarre because the forum "smilies" include a yawning "smily".

Over moderation kills forums, which perhaps explains why virtually no industry professionals post here any more and the place is a shadow of its former self.

Who are these people who moderate the forums ?

FWIW Paul, you stand out on here as a reliable source of information, often correcting stuff that is dangerously wrong - and we're talking mains electricity! It's sad if you of all people aren't allowed an occasional wry comment or emoticon.

Irish Rover

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5 Feb 2017
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I was wondering where you were. I didn't get a ban but I was blocked from the same thread for posting a jokey comment about rubber ducks and got wrapped around the knuckles for what was described as a "playground retort". Bizarre moderating indeed and some very sensitive posters on the forum apparently.
PS - I actually started the thread in question and got excellent information from you in particular, and from others, before the thread was somewhat hijacked by a poster trotting his hobby horse.


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13 Sep 2008
Far away from hooray henrys
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Moderation here has often caused me to wonder what is going through their minds ...

But guys - take care - they don't like being taken to task and usually end up banning those who question their decisions. (I'll probably get wrapped knuckles for this ... )

I have for many years suggested a temp hide of any post that is questionable - allowing poster to edit ... one of the worlds biggest forums does this - actually quite a few do.
Couple of forums I am a founder member - we have a 'sin-bin' where posts get moved to for editing .. only moderators and author can view.
Here its do or die ...

My ID shows a date that is completely wrong .... why ? Because moderators deleted my account after I was insulted by "Clive" .. actually the post was insulting my wife - calling her a prostitute. Despite not only my but also others protestations - my account was never re-instated - all the valuable Fuel and other info amassed over the years lost ... even the rallyes and meetings that I organised for YBW - all the posts gone.
But 'Clive' - his account was re-instated .....

Can someone explain that ?? As victim I get thrown out ... 'Clive' as perpetrator remains !

I decided then that I would not recreate that info .. would no longer organise meetings such as PBO1 .. PBO2 etc as I had in past ..

Paul : I've been suspended a few times for retaliating against Pauls tendency to trip over the acceptable line ... but I and others I have rec'd PM's from etc - all know Paul has that tendency and we go with the flow ... Paul has a knowledge that is valuable ..
I don't know which thread has caused his posting .. but I suspect it may be that tendency again ??

Hang in there Paul ...


Well-known member
9 May 2009
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Well the practical forum has missed out on your words of wisdom Paul and the joke thread on so much I’m unable to share with you all at this present time!

Fr J Hackett

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26 Dec 2001
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I don't know how you get that but going back to 2021 is stretching it a bit 😁 I don't know how to find a record of all the "conversations" the mods have had with me.

But there have been 5 since the 30th January this year :oops: I must learn to behave myself.


Well-known member
23 Jul 2005
South London
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I don't know how you get that but going back to 2021 is stretching it a bit 😁 I don't know how to find a record of all the "conversations" the mods have had with me.

But there have been 5 since the 30th January this year :oops: I must learn to behave myself.
I always receive an email notification whenever anyone sends me a PM and I am very careless about deleting old emails so I could probably find out how many I have had from FAT.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
My son Owen will no longer post here. He was accused of promoting his product, not true as this is barely necessary. The vast majority of his business is in supplying builders and companies who install his product. He has enormous experience of all types of heater that he is refreshingly willing to pass on. He was threatened with a ban that also, as a relative, included myself


Well-known member
20 Aug 2022
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Join BlueMoment, refreshingly free from moderation, dedicated space to discuss sailing, politics, global warming and current affairs, if that is your cup of tea.

At the end of the day, this is TimeWarners space and posting is voluntary, if you don't like it, don't post. However, if I am honest with myself (rare as I am usually in denial) I know when I am being objectionable and provoking.

Irish Rover

Well-known member
5 Feb 2017
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My son Owen will no longer post here. He was accused of promoting his product, not true as this is barely necessary. The vast majority of his business is in supplying builders and companies who install his product. He has enormous experience of all types of heater that he is refreshingly willing to pass on. He was threatened with a ban that also, as a relative, included myself
Bloody nonsense. They won't stop until they destroy the forum by chasing away experts such as yourself and the OP who generously give the benefit of your expertise and advice freely to those of us less gifted.


Well-known member
4 Apr 2020
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Its the random inconsistency that baffles me. I recently got a snottogram and post deleted due 'inappropriate content' for posting a mildly humourous and utterly inoffensive quip on the grounds that it violated the ban on discussing current affairs or social issues - on a completely non-contentious thread in the Lounge that concerned - social issues...(is France invading us)
If all social issues were banned there would be precious little discussion bar technical stuff especially in the Lounge - it's almost impossible to avoid them altogether.
Yet despite this uber sensitivity - for what purpose I can't imagine - the Gags thread gets pretty risque, is as un-pc (thank God) as it gets and seems to get away with it (and many of the gags refer to social issues and current affairs...)
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