Best wind up you have ever done?


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20 Dec 2001
Somewhere in the Med!
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Left a note on my managers desk once, saying that a Mr. C. Lion had rang and wanted my manager to call him back. The telephone number I gave him was London Zoo!!!
All the salesmen in the office just fell about laughing when to my surprise he took the bait and rang!



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21 Jun 2006
Heybridge Basin
/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I once got a pea shooter and shot loads of cress seed through a Chief Petty Officers letter box on the married patch, Rowner, Gosport, and then let a fire extinguisher off through the said letter box, so when he came home from holiday he opened the door to a lawn in his hall !!!!!!!!!

The Git deserved it, he was a Tif !!!!!!!!!!!

/forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif



19 Sep 2002
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I assisted in re-engineering a door to hinge at the top, rather like a large cat flap.

Unfortunately when the owner (it was his birthday) did return in the wee hours and opened the door, he was so drunk that he just accepted this as being the way the world worked now, pushed past it and fell asleep.



Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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Our favourite trick was to water bomb cress seed in a balloon through open windows when fellow students went away for weekend or longer. Cress growing on carpet is incredibly difficult to remove

Other tricks were enhancing the grass outside Welsh office with grass enhancing nutrients that just happened to make words

Putting very long lasting dyes used for marking river flows into fountain outside city hall along with foaming substances

The list is endless! /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

One of the best was turfing a bedroom and putting a sheep inside, after removing the contents of the room


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24 Aug 2005
Here, yah fule
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what planet are you on?

[/ QUOTE ]

what the fook was that for , I asked a straight question , I'd expect a reply like that in the lounge not here

Al asked if anyone had done or witnessed , you replied but didn't say if you'd done it yourself or what , so I asked to see if you had done it yourself , so stop being an ignorant twat


Active member
21 Feb 2004
I was very young, under the age of eight (so we're talking 1950's), but I remember seeing at the (then) Cranfield College of Aeronautics a car that had been transported into the inside of one of the hall of residences. The car could not fit between the door way, so had had to have been dismantled and reassembled.


Active member
24 Aug 2005
Here, yah fule
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Old RAF special was to dismantle the bed of a room mate , and put all the parts up on the roof of a two story building , usually works best when they come back pisssed and can't figure out what's happened


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16 May 2001
Isle of Wight / Jersey
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I worked at the hospital in Winchester in the late 70's early 80's. There was a doctor with two frog eyed sprites which each ended up in various places - the mess, if they were tilted they fitted through the french doors; a flat roof set into the hill and the scaffold planks they were driven across were sawn in 2; the operating theatre down the bottom of a 200 yard corridor barely wider than the car, easy driving down forwards but a long reverse uphill as there was nowhere to turn round.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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oh dear.

At university, there was a girl on our course. Yes! a girl! - there weren't many girls, mech eng, see, but a few. Mebbe 10 out of 100 per year. Most were quite serious...but one was a bit distracting. Well,very diistracting. She seemed to be used to being the centre of attention and er a bit over-frisky, somehow. We're third year students and she turns up, first year, and starts being all jolly and over-familiar with us straight off, joining conversations, telling stories, claiming she's does this or that - and also (to some of us) once or twice sort of brushing past us us with her tits. Yeah, ok, sounds fab unless (when i sed to someone else er - does she brushpast you too?...) it turn out she brushes everyone with her tits in which case er, weird, almost annoying really.

And with us having third year erk projects we had work whilst she comes along and starts jabbering how she had a yamm 300LC motorbike. Hm. There is no such thing as a yamaha 300LC - 250 or 350, not 300. But whatever. Several of us had bikes - mech eng againinit - guzzi's and so on - so we knew there were no yamaha 300LC's. But bloodylynne comes round for a chat and we're tranna work. Every flippin day, yakkity yak.

Rag weekcame along ...and normally we did nowt - mech eng work work pub work work. But i had an idea in a lecture ...and passed around a handmade sponsorship form. I was instantly and massively supported.

I essentially offered to chat her up, take her somewhere a reasonable distance away on my motorbike - and dump her!

The day before the deed, i asked the pub landlord to suggest a place that was near to Leeds - but yet quite hard to get back to Leeds on public transport. Nowhere dangerous, just a bit of a hack by several buses for example. He came back like a shot - "Ossett" he said. Even though i had lived in W yorks for 20 years i had heard of Ossett, seen signs, never been.

Neither I (nor anyone) thought it would be too difficult to just "chat her up" to come for a drink, and so it proved for me. Her so-called boyfriend was a well-known course wimp, just someone tocarry her stuff as far as we knew. I asked her quietly at coffee time if she fancied coming for a ride on my bike at lunchtime and clandestinely nodded that yes, she would.

At lunchtime I rode round the front of the building, she got on sort of casually - cos she had a boyfriend and i think i was also attached too, so this was a quite hush hush ooh shh. In one of my mirrors i could see dozens of students -all sponsors- cheering and thumbs-up out of the pub window behind us as i pulled away.

In Ossett, only 15 minutes ish drive really, I stopped at a likely pub, she jumped off - i handed her a fiver (which i knew would easily be enough for the bus fare, honest) and said i'd have a pint no er a half of whatever, i'd park up and meet her inside. She went in the pub.. and once she was inside - I drove staight back to uni.

I am fairly sure that lecturers heard about the stunt - and she was reportedly in a "Right Mood" when she returned, soaked in the rain, many hours later.

I must say i have done some gittish things but i never felt quite such a git as when i dumped this actually realy nice and intelligent and good-looking tho slightly over-chatty girl in a pub. It was especialy bad thatI had had planned it advance. And i couldn't blame anyone else - it ws my idea start to finish. I just flippin drove off back to the pub to loads of free drinks and a £20 of rag week money. What a total git!

But many remarked to me that it really worked - after that she she was much more reasonable, less pushy and tarty, far more grown up.

But I still feel bad about it - and much later i think i even told my kids too. Just so theyknew i wasn't perfect, like they weren't perfect.

And then I met her again. About 18 years later, both of us having a quick stop with kids at a macdonalds on the A20, amazing really. She was fine, still bubbly, still very tiny person, the first time we'd spoken really since that day on the bike, and i said sorry, and she said ok.

I still feel bad about it! And i suppose it could have gone really very badly wrong too - jeez i mean it was the same time as Jack the Ripper! Shudder. What a total and utter git. It sounded a right laugh in the lecture theatre - but actually setting out to abuse someone's confidence so harshly, driving off with her - i think she really quite liked me - and i just dumped her! I mean- literally, at the side of the road, miles from home. What a git! Urgh, this doesn't make me feel much better about it.

Sorry again, Lynne. Nice tits too! Oops, sorry. What a complete git I am...


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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what the fook was that for , I asked a straight question , I'd expect a reply like that in the lounge not here

Al asked if anyone had done or witnessed , you replied but didn't say if you'd done it yourself or what , so I asked to see if you had done it yourself , so stop being an ignorant twat

[/ QUOTE ]

You seem to have chosen to have ignored pm, so I'll reply here. What's it got to do with you, what I respond to. I responded to Al with a genuine reponse to a question he asked, and it was implicitly something I'd done, not observed. So, Twat comment is largely your ignorance, not my issue.