A friend of mine suggested that as the US survey was OK, the water in the bilge may be condensation. The boat has two compartments - the one with the engines, and one in front under the cabin floor, and they both have water in them.
He said that you can get condensation, as the moist air sinks to the bottom, and with the hull being cooled by the water, it tends to form condensation.
Does this sound a reasonable explanation? How much water should I expect to find?
BTW Sorry about the rowing boat bit. I can't seem to understand the humour here...
Temporarily on a swinging mmoring on the way round to Birdham. Boat in front is a fishing type thing call 'Etoile d'Aurigny' or something similar (means Star of Alderney, according to the guy I've seen on it).
Might be out at the weekend - depends on the weather. My friend said he may take a look at the water problem, and he's round in Portsmouth.
Sea water is salty, condensate not. Alternatively look for mushrooms the size of saucers in the cabins and lockers. If there's enough condensation to fill the bilges 3", you should have a few of em.
I am not 100% certain inth other direction, specially after one or two bits this a.m. Anyway, praps to be resolved soon. I understand that jfm is considering selling P43, and I wd think that £350k v.reasonable.
Yes correct. I'll take that as a formal offer by LVPLC, mail me cheque (or send your cutlery set) please and I'll post keys by return. You cant back out now. Tanks are full BTW. 8%+VAT to Kim as it's his BB
Duncan you never replied to my other post, when are we having bunkering meet? BB awaits detailed report. As per above I now have senior financing in place, just need to find a bit of equity or mezz but that shouldn't be a prob.
given that I'm still trying to get used to you lot, I think I want to get MVII sorted out properly, as I dread to think what stick I'd get if she's less than perfect. I think it is probably unfair to stiff you with the cost of a tankful, so in the interest of burying the hatchet, let's say I'll settle for a tank for the tender and a drink. I'm probably out and about at the weekend, but I'll let you know.
What's going on? Here's a chap ready to fill the boat up free of charge. First mention of a meeting, and you back off. Does this boat exist? Do you? I do apologise, but even by my mad mad standards, some of your postings seem somewhat eccentric.
No doubt it's all sunny and calm in the med, but in cas eyou hadn't noticed, it's blowing a bloody gale here. I've told you where MVII is, I'm just not sure about getting out at the weekend, or if I do, I probably have higher priorities than fleecing some poor sod. And no comments about estate agents, either.
Either this blokes a total pillock or we're all falling for the best wind up yet. After all you've already decided he's guilty (he knows too much to be that stupid) and now you're trying to talk your way out of it.
Bit like the yanks saying "oops, sorry we were wrong OBL's innocent after all. No harm done, we made a mistake".
Of course this is all IMHO and without wishing to cause offence. Just in case he comes after me, who can I hide behind?
Look why do you idiots (sorry Kim) insist that I do not exist? Assuming that my boat is not being fixed this wekend I will be happy to let you buy me drinks in the bar at Chichester marina on Sunday. If the weather is rotton then I will be off fleecing house buyers.
Sorry, forgot to get back to you about the fridge. It's a 110/12v thing, and the only way I could use it at present would be with a transformer (I've got a 220/110v one from a builder friend for running power tools) to get me 110v. Other than that, I have to run the engines to keep the batterys charged. I'd like to put a 240v one in, but the one I have is rather large. How big is your spare one? Present 110v thing is a Frigidaire, and stands about 4 foot tall, by 2.5 wide, with a freeezer compartment at the top. If you can let me have the dimensions, I'll try to measure up at the weekend.