I recently bought a Bayliner.
However as much as I like my baot, I found a number of problems on Miami Vice II, she has US electronics including a Gamin GPS that won't re-initialise - it thinks I am in Florida at the moment. The radar turns counter clock-wise and doesn't appear to be giving much of an image over 2 miles, finally the bilge pumps run all the time and there is about three inches in the bottom of the boat if I leave it for the week. Any immediate thoughts on fixing these?
Finally my wife hates the interior and is worried by the condition of the hull. AS I have spent a lot of money on the boat (around about £32,000) buying, shipping and import can the board suggest a re-sale value in the UK, I'd be willing to take a bit of a bath on the boat and lose three or four thousand - would it be cheaper to swap over to a Broom Aft Cabin or a Fairline Targa 33 or something small like that, which is more in keeping with what the rest of you think a UK boater should have?<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by kimhollamby on Mon Oct 1 10:45:34 2001 (server time).</FONT></P>
However as much as I like my baot, I found a number of problems on Miami Vice II, she has US electronics including a Gamin GPS that won't re-initialise - it thinks I am in Florida at the moment. The radar turns counter clock-wise and doesn't appear to be giving much of an image over 2 miles, finally the bilge pumps run all the time and there is about three inches in the bottom of the boat if I leave it for the week. Any immediate thoughts on fixing these?
Finally my wife hates the interior and is worried by the condition of the hull. AS I have spent a lot of money on the boat (around about £32,000) buying, shipping and import can the board suggest a re-sale value in the UK, I'd be willing to take a bit of a bath on the boat and lose three or four thousand - would it be cheaper to swap over to a Broom Aft Cabin or a Fairline Targa 33 or something small like that, which is more in keeping with what the rest of you think a UK boater should have?<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by kimhollamby on Mon Oct 1 10:45:34 2001 (server time).</FONT></P>