At this rate I'll be banned by the end of November


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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I was thinking of letting....

my wife take the rap - unfortunately she said *******************, so plan B will need to be invoked ( by the ways - whats plan B????)

Are you keeping the boat in the water over the winter ? - perhaps we could meet up if you are.

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Well-known member
7 Dec 2002
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Re: At this rate I\'ll be banned by the end of November

Long ago in Northern Ireland they resisted bringing in the 70mph on motorways because they analysed the average speed as being well under this limit. They eventually bowed to pressure and introduced the limit. True to their predictions, average speeds increased because people then had a mentally imprinted target speed.

It would be interesting to compare accident rates with the German Autobahns where they do not have limits. In France the limit is 130 kph (81mph) but there is currently pressure to bring it down to 120 kph (75 mph). On the other hand the Italians have just increased theirs from 130 to 150 kph which reflects the reality of what happens on continental roads.

Compared with the 60's when these limits were introduced, the car, apart from having 4 wheels and a steering wheel, is a completely different vehicle as fas as safety features are concerned. Unfortunately there are more of them; an average trip today takes much longer now than it did 40 years ago.

Basically there is no argument about the necessity of limits; it's just a pity that they are not applied with a little more discernment.


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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Re: At this rate I\'ll be banned by the end of November

No. Its people that tax their cars, pay insurance, notify the DVLA so they can be traced. Its not joyriders, people driving stolen cars, people who have slightly false number plates ..
Oh and by the way are'nt rules for the guidance of the wise and the blind obedience of fools? I do'nt drive at 30 mph past a school or a horse or a cyclist. I drive at a considerably lower safe speed in these circumstances ..

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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Re: I was thinking of letting....

I had the same thought but as I'm an honest lawabiding citizen resisted! However if it came to the next 3 ...

Yep keeping the boat in, Ill lift it out for a couple of weeks in Feb to antifoul etc but then straight back in. We'll get somethging arranged ... might need picking up by then though :-(

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24 Jul 2003
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Re: At this rate I\'ll be banned by the end of November

<<<"sensible law abiding people" - Is that people who abide only by the laws that they consider sensible?>>>

One assumes that in a past age you would have been of the belief that tormenting the mentally ill, abusing the pilloried, and whipping children was sensible and law abiding.


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Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Re: I was thinking of letting....

Lets keep in touch - we are in Southsea Marina in Langstone Harbour - limited to 3 hours either side of HW.

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Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Re: I was thinking of letting....

Lets keep in touch - we are in Southsea Marina in Langstone Harbour - limited to 3 hours either side of HW.

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Well-known member
14 Aug 2002
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Re: At this rate I\'ll be banned by the end of November

Laws are there for the protection of the vulnerable, rather for the blind obedience of fools. Jimi, I have no reason to doubt your driving ability. I greatly enjoy your posts and don't want you to get narked by me. My point is simply that many people do not properly consider others when they are driving. Often I beleive that is because they do not experience often enough the effects of speed from the perspective of other road users. Speed limits are for there protection of others not just for the guidance of those who consider themselves wise. Whether or not to exceed the speed limit should not just be left to the discretion of the driver, becasue there are consequences for others within society. Therefor effective enforcement should be welcomed by all.

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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Re: At this rate I\'ll be banned by the end of November

Totally agree, however enforcement is not applied in this way. Cameras are placed where they will catch a maximum number of people and maximise revenue rather than protect a maximum number of people. I'd have no argument if I were to get 3 points for doing that speed outside a school ... but I was'nt. The placement and enforcement policy is undermining the whole credibility of the law enforcement system. Police are going for quantity of convictions rather than quality .. reminds me of the candelabra factory in the USSR where their targets were weight based ... ceilings started falling in ....

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Well-known member
14 Aug 2002
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Re: At this rate I\'ll be banned by the end of November


You have no arguement now about the enforcement of 6 points. You did the crime so do the time. You took a judgement on your speed knowing that there was a risk of getting caught. To avoid being banned by the end of November you simply have to abide by the law. It is great that you exercise your discretion well by driving with greater care outside a school and passing horses and cyclists. This however does not entitle you in some way to break the law at other points

You have the discretion to choose when to speed but other road users who can be affected by that decison have no input into it. Which is why we should all be trying to observe the speed limits at all points. Which in turn is why I have no problem with speed cameras which catch lots of people breaking the law.

Observing the speed limit does not stop you from slowing down further for the consideration of other road users.

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19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Bollocks and double bollocks

IMHO ... bollocks! 39mph at midnight on an empty road and 59mph at 8:30am outside a school are not the same offence yet they get the same penalty.

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25 Nov 2002
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Predictable Backlash

It's a pretty well established fact that the majority of motorists believe that speed cameras are used as a means to increase revenue. However you view it, it is indirect taxation and of course the idiots who manage the Police forces love at because they have lots of money to waste re-inventing the wheel.

No doubt about it the antipathy is directed to your first point of contact which is usualy the bobby or bobette on the beat. I feel sorry for the rank and file officers who feel the public outrage at speed cameras because in the death it wasn't them that implemented this lunacy. However it will be them that face the publics condemnation of them as a body and they have/will lose public support.

It's the old Lions led by Donkeys theme and in truth I actualy feel sorry for the rank and file because in days gone by members of the public would often assist them in whatever way they could. But these days a good deal of the public feel embittered and as the rank and file are seen as the public face of an incompetent organisation they get it in the neck.

Us and Them has already arrived and I fear the backlash will be that people will start to perceive the Police to be the enemy. Tragicaly this Govt gave the Police an opportunity to print money under the guise of public safety and as expected it's been abused to the point that people have started to loath the Police, withdrawn support and lost faith in their ability to maintain Law and Order and detect crime.

The Police have always relied on public support but now through lack of vision and a stupid abuse of their power they have or are losing it and who will eventualy pay the price.
All of us!

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Two steps lower than the ships' cat
17 Apr 2002
NE Scotland
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Re: At this rate I\'ll be banned by the end of November

I totally agree what you are saying regarding joyriders etc.

My wife was done this year for 42 in a 30 zone. First offence in 30 years. £60 and 3 points. That's it, no questions - done deal. Whilst agreeing that she broke the law and was punished, it certainly makes both our blood's boil at the joyriders who get away with it, and the "punishments", if you could describe them as such, that are handed out.

That was the crux of me earlier post in this thread - The whole system is alienating the general public to the police farce.

Bring back the days of when I was a lad and the local bobby caught you nicking apples. He gave you a swift kick up the ar*e and sent you on your way. If you complained to your father, then you got an even bigger kick in the ar*e for getting into trouble in the first place!!

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Well-known member
14 Aug 2002
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Re: Bollocks and double bollocks

I agree that they are not the same level of offence. If they went to trial rather than being dealt with by fixed penalty, I expect that they would be dealt with differently. The 59 is probably reckless, the 39 is potentially inconsiderate.

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11 Sep 2001
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Re: At this rate I\'ll be banned by the end of November

Firstly condolences and secondly I couldnt agree more. Police (the human kind) tend to apply some sort of judgement when deciding wether or not to stop a speeding motorist and in fact I have been caught in this way again told that I was doing 89 in a 70 zone. I think the whole process of having to confess your guilt in some way makes the fine and points a lot easier. Of course I was in the wrong and admitted it even though the road was empty. I was also told about the 15mile boundry and unsuccessfully attempted by way of unblemished logic to rationalise that in this case I was a mere 4 miles an hour over the speed limit. Didnt wash somehow but made me feel a lot less bad as the interchange was quite humerous and friendly toward the end. I was duly punished (which I accepted). Totally different feelings when the ol letter comes through the door. Toally apersonal (if that is a word). Made me nothing but angry and resentfull (37 in 30 zone 04:30 in the morning). Anyway thats my 2p's worth. Take care

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12 Sep 2001
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Re: At this rate I\'ll be banned by the end of November

Rant 1
It's been an article of faith for years in this country that policing only works because it is with the consent of the vast majority of the population. It seems to me that that consent is disappearing. I'm an ex-copper, (long time ago) but I'm losing my respect very fast and for all the reasons mentioned by others. I was shunted off the road last year by a stolen car with a whole pack of plods behind it. The thieves had to stop as a result and were arrested. I wasn't given details at the time, nor was I contacted afterwards. It took me six months, innumerable phone calls, unanswered letters, and finally threats of a formal complaint to get a name and address to sue, not that I expect to get anything. I no longer have any faith in the Police System, which is not the same as in individual coppers, who, by and large, and with some well publicised exceptions, are decent blokes trying to an impossible job. I suspect that in private many would agree with this thread.

Rant 2.
Regarding speed. Many, if not most of the cars that drive dangerously fast aren't registered, don't have insurance and aren't traceable. If they kill someone, they'll torch the car and get (steal) another one. The only people the cameras catch are those whose papers are in order. As mentioned above, speed limits, as with many laws are blunt instruments, but they can be made sensible by sensible enforcement. Cameras are rarely sensible, though they could be if sited to reduce speed where necessary rather than to increase revenue.

Rant over

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16 May 2001
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4 Years for administrative reasons....

... whatever that means.

I believe if you move house / change name / pay to have the old ones removed, they leave them on until 4 years has elapsed.

Insurance companies are interested in convictions in the last 5 years.

Therefore the answer is 3 years for totting up, 4 for appearing on the license, and 5 for insurance.

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16 May 2001
Radlett, Herts
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Re: At this rate I\'ll be banned by the end of November

You're right. If you want to speed, nick a car and do it in that. You'll get away with the nicking and the owner will get the points. That's what modern policing is about.

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Active member
1 Oct 2001
Re: Bollocks and double bollocks


also, these limits were set years ago and have not been revised with improvements in technology. Where children are at risk the limit should be 20mph, otherwise they should in general be lifted, in particular on motorways.

I find that cruise control is the best way to dampen the right foot. Think i'll be investing in a road angel.

You should speak to TCM or JFM on Mobo, they know most of the ruises to get off or let someone else take the blame, comes with a cost though.

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