Are we becoming Control Freaks because of technology


Well-known member
12 Sep 2001
Home - Southampton, Boat - Gosport
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I manage fine with a basic GPS - not even essential as I rarely leave the Solent these days - a depth sounder, which is the one thing that's essential for those who like to anchor or go ditch crawling, but probably the least used instrument on a 40 footer sailing from Haslar Marina in the Solent to North Cove Marina in New York, and an old tiller pilot which works fine under power, but is too slow to react on most points of sail.

I'll be the first to admit, though, that my triple rollover boat will have all the toys, and I'll make sure I know how to use them, unlike an elderly friend, whose boat had radar and forward looking sonar, but he had no idea how to use them. I can then decide which ones I'm going to use. I wouldn't be too proud to have a computer controlled joystick to drive my boat sideways into a tight spot on a pontoon against wind and tide. I would, however, want to know how to do it without the gizmo, for the day when "computer says no"