New member
Came back on the Seacat from Calais yesterday and soon after leaving Calais all the blimmin girlie crew disappeared off to the sides looking out in the sea. Now as anyone using cross channel ferries on a regular basis knows, the crew are all a little blase about it and hardly ever even glance out to sea, so being a nosey git and also seizing on any excuse to chat to a nubile young wench, I went and asked them what they're looking at.
Seems that theres a Dolphin that "lives" around the CA 4 West Cardinal Bouy and they've named him Jimmy and all look out for him. It was a dead flat crossing so all eyes were expectantly searching the sea and guess what?
He'd gone out and wasn't there.
But just thought I'd let you all know what to look out for. Perhaps MBY would like to do an article on him.
Seems that theres a Dolphin that "lives" around the CA 4 West Cardinal Bouy and they've named him Jimmy and all look out for him. It was a dead flat crossing so all eyes were expectantly searching the sea and guess what?
He'd gone out and wasn't there.
But just thought I'd let you all know what to look out for. Perhaps MBY would like to do an article on him.