SPICA is a Harrison Butler Englyn, built in steel in about 1974/5. If anyone has any info on her, and/or the H-B Englyn class in general I would be very grateful.
Thanks, I have the address, just didn't want to bother someone at their home address unless I couldn't get the info via "open forum" methods. I guess I'm just either shy or old-fashioned about that sort of thing. That's why I posted here first
Don't be! The HB Association is quite the opposite to that - they are a very friendly bunch of fanatics, including Mrs Jardine Brown who is a very charming and knowledgeable lady, and she will be much happier to welcome SPICA back into the fold.
If you don't contact them, and the boat is "lost" from their records, they WILL be upset!
Incidentally, since so many HB designs, including most of the Englyns, are posthumous I have no doubt at all that she is a genuine classic.
<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by mirelle on Wed Jun 12 10:02:11 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>
Thanks for the encuragement. I'll pluck up the sass to bother Mrs. Jardine Brown and report back on progress.
Also, on the basis of your advice, if she actually finds a new owner before I'm flush enough to afford her (I'm skint right now) then I'll make sure they do the decent thing and notify the association. It's a small marina, and people don't stray too far from there, so the agents will be able to help me keep in touch.