Only with Racing Dinghy sails -- the fully battened main was still winning club races 5 years old and when it finally started to go, it disintegrated over about 4 weekends !
Jibs took more of a hammering ( 3 in 6 seasons) , but compared to the dacrons where I would be lucky to get 6 months from a jib and a year/18 months from a main ( i am a bit heavy handed !) I was very impressed.
Just dont expect to do much patching as once the delamination starts, chuck them away.
I have a cruising roller genoa from them. They won the contract on price and materials used plus some good adviced.
he result was a well cut, efficient but unspectacular sail which is still in reasonable condition three years later. It is not the best roller genny I have sailed with but it is tough.
Sobstad is my local sailmaker on the Hamble and they have done a number of small repairs and annual servicing for me, generally efficiently and reasonably economically. I must admit, though, that I have had one blazing row with them which was very unsatisfactory.