Another nail in the GB coffin. NB


24 Jan 2003
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Re: Right

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Leadership Role

Tony Blair, Government


Leadership Role

Thats a good one, I haven't laughed so hard since I was a girl.

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23 Sep 2002
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Re: Hold on

Wish I had your rose-coloured glasses. Do you still believe in Father Christmas too? And as for Yurp having 'prettier women' - you clearly haven't been to Belgium recently /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

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13 Mar 2002
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Re: Put my name to that too....nm

Surely the EU is a method dreamed up by the French to allow them to rule Europe without the rather chancy process of finding another Napoleon first.

Remember, if it wasn't for the French, the EU would have accepted that the working language is English and that documents are only translated into all other languages when they need to be dealt with outside the bureaucracy.

<hr width=100% size=1>Two beers please, my friend is paying.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Hold on

Oh how I do agree - and not forgetting the ubiquitous Euro - so much easier when mooching round Europe AND GB. Frankly, if the French can adopt another currency (being so very French, you understand), SURELY WE CAN!!?? And I havent noticed a) any European country losing its identity or b) crumbling into dust - well, not more than before, eh? Maybe Berlin has a fiscal/employment prob. Still staggering on ...

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3 Aug 2004
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Re: Hold on

The French can adopt another currency because they have always been willing to do whatever the Germans tell them. In all probability they'd even speak German if it they knew it ensured they wouldn't see German tanks rolling down the Champs Elysee.

I'm surpised the Germans didn't go the whole hog and all it the the Euromark.

The Union of European Socialist Republics is little more than the German Empire, and whether we like it or not Ted Heath sold us down that river long ago and there's sod all we can do to stop it.

Britain has been a top performing economy despite the EU ad not because of it. Without it we'd probably be even more successful. Only about 10% of our economy is based on EU trade. Given the relative success of this country, it's surprising that no-one wonders why our services are so poor. Where on earth do all the fruits of this success go? Europe, that's where. They need us more than we need them. Our success and our cash is what is helping to stop these countries crumbling into dust.

In any union there is a stabilisation process where all economies are bought into line, in exactly same fashion as when you parallel two batteries. The result is that the poorer nations drain resources from the wealthier ones until we are all at the same level. This usually means a small rise for those at the bottom and huge drop for those at the top. In this scenario we have nowhere to go but down.

If that's what people want then so be it, but let's not pretend it wont happen, it's inevitable.

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28 Dec 2002
Note that the new form has provision for informing the DVLA of export of vehicle. Just a first step to harmonising procedures for freely transferring vehicle data across Europe. Nothing to worry about though, after all vehicle registration details are confidential and cannot be divulged in the UK (except to Livingstone's congestion charging bastards, insurance companies, private parking enforcement companies etc). But, just try and get details on a car left outside your house or on your property and you will find that confidentiality is the order of the day.

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16 May 2001
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50p! FIFTY PENCE AN HOUR!!??? Never got that as a housewife, wife and mummy, and now grandma!

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20 Apr 2002
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You miss point, we happy with fishing reels, they sell lots abroad, country receives money country happy. Now China sell reels abroad, we buy reels from them, we now send them money, country unhappy, can longer buy windmills to but in sea.


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31 May 2001
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>Only about 10% of our economy is based on EU trade<

52% of our foreign trade is with Europe
3.5 million jobs in Britain are linked to European exports
Since the intro of the Euro overseas investment in Britain has declined by 75%

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6 Nov 2001
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Argh Facts.Desist at once its cruel.

That will will have the UKIPPERS pulling the jolly old Union flag bedclothes right over their heads in a desperate futile attempt to keep the cold dawn light of reality at bay./forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

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6 Aug 2001
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Re: Hold on

"The French can adopt another currency because they have always been willing to do whatever the Germans tell them. In all probability they'd even speak German if it they knew it ensured they wouldn't see German tanks rolling down the Champs Elysee."

When you meet this French person do tell me !!! - they have a stronger national identity than the Brits imho

''Given the relative success of this country"

Respectfully suggest that you are not an economics lecturer either. Not suggesting UK's ails are all self-inflicetd but how are you measuring this success over any period in last 50 yrs ?

Perhaps just trying to wind Ken and I up ?? If so , congrats !

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3 Aug 2004
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Re: Puhleese


Fair comment, I guess statistics can be made to show whatever you like, and figures can be shown to suit either side. However we buy a lot more from the EU than we sell, so we're arguably worse off for it.

In any case both Switzerland and Norway seem to manage just fine and aren't excluded fom trading with the EU, and in fact do so more than we do.

Overseas investment in Britain is based on decisions about whether it's going to be profitable or not, not on which club we join. The reduction of investment in Britain may be reflective of a lack of confidence in Europe as a whole, rather than Britain, given that we receive about half of all European investment, a lot coming from other EU countries. Businesses will invest in the UK if it makes commercial sense whether we're in the EU or not. It could be argued that our continual move to closer harmony with Europe is causing the decline in investment, or even possibly the poor handling of a successful economy by this government.

Removing ourselves from this corrupt and inefficient mess may well see an increase in UK investment.

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3 Aug 2004
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Re: Hold on


Relative to most of our European counterparts, the UK economy is highly successful. We have enjoyed a lengthy period of stability and over the last fifty years standards of living have continued to rise.

As one basic measure, GDP has risen consistently for the last 50 years. This is without the subsidies that many other European countries such Germany and Ireland have received. The fact that we can maintain any kind of economy whilst shelling out £25m a day to Europe is a miracle in itself.

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31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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Global economy according to TK

My figures are from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Yours?

Switzerland and Norway are Mickey Mouse economies cf the UK. Switzerland is now beginning to lag and is beginning to ask itself whether it should join the EU. Norway (population roughly equivalent to London south of the Thames) has massive oil revenues.

Overseas investment in Europe hasn't gone away, it's switched from the UK to the eurozone.

Seems to me in a global economy if you want to be around with the same/better standard of living in a few decades time, you've either got to be big (US, China), have the potential to be big (India, Brazil maybe), in a club (EU), be sitting on stacks of natural resources (Mid-east, Russia (?)), or a small niche player (the UK is too big to be small). Otherwise you already are, or will end up being a supplier of lowest cost labour or a basket case.

Sure the EU has got lots of demerits, but a) what country hasn't? and b) for us it's the only game in town. Oh and don't say "Transatlantic Alliance" because (despite Blair bending over with his trousers around his ankles) the US doesn't need us except as a bridgehead into Europe.

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Old joke ...

Nato meeting in Paris ...... French General says to Brit General ..... why should we all speak English at these meetings especially seeing as this one is in Paris ....
Brit General smiles and reminds French General ...... if it wasn't for the English speaking races ... Brits, Americans, Canadians etc. - you'd be speaking German now .....

<hr width=100% size=1>Cheers Nigel


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3 Aug 2004
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Re: Global economy according to TK

Mine were from a UK industry study, about 9 months old now, but not too out of date I don't think.

I understand where you're coming from, and in all honesty, in an ideal world I'd probably agree with you. However, I believe that whatever benefits are received by being part of a large co-operative will end up in the hands of large corporations and administrative bodies.

Certainly for the short to medium term, the average British citizen will lose out while we pay for other countries (largely newer ex soviet block ones) to catch up and equalize.

The possibilities are endless, but my belief is that the people of this country and quite possibly many other European countries, will not benefit one iota.

This may well be representative of my feelings on human nature rather than the economic possibilities of a European alliance.

You're statement earlier about us going in fully committed and taking a lead role would be the best chance for the UK, but I fear we've missed that boat. Whatever benefits there may be will be outweighed by the costs of running such a venture.

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