Another blow for uk boat owners due to Brexit

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28 May 2012
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If you really sre so unhappy at living here, go and live in Europe. There is no lock on the gate.
Claim political asylum.. Say you are prosecuted for wanting to be governed by un elected and unaccountable career politicians. Forget Common Law. Live under the Napoleonic code. Life will be better.

At lesat in three years I will be able to vote the bumbliing bufoon Borris out of office. But you will be stuck with Von Der Lyden until she, not you, decided to retire. What’s not to like?
A typical Brexit answer that answers nothing and still fails to show any tangible benefit from Brexit. Also full of straw men arguments - being in Europe has never meant we lost common law. You don't get to vote Boris out, you only get to vote for your local MP. As for the 'democracy' argument....



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28 May 2007
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It is plain to see that many/(most?) believe those who either voted for, or can see the opportunities of Brexit are risible idiots.

One hopes that this group is equally generous in its praise for those who subsequently do rather well investing in exactly these. :rolleyes:

Well on the evidence so far, being a chum of Boris Johnson is your best bet at landing a remunerative contract paid for by the tax payer.


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17 Dec 2003
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@Alfie168: goodness me, people have made their minds up so firmly on this! I'm reminded of Nobel Prize winner Rosalyn Yalow's comment, "Initially, new ideas are rejected. Later they become dogma if you're right. And if you're really lucky, you can publish your rejections as part of your Nobel presentation".

@Metabarca: so far this year a small firm I'm involved with has hired an English/Psychology, two Economics, and one Maths graduate. Also a web designer, an EU legal specialist, and a landscape gardener. Brexit will indeed lead us to open a new JV in Germany with a headcount yet to be decided.

FWIW, I'm no chum of Boris, in fact not even British but have lived here for years and think London is the best city in the world far. I never asked to be wearing a Brexit-shirt but having been de facto given one and will now play my very best game. I have learned from other countries that such change brings opportunities and danger in equal measure and the trick is navigating them safely.

It's not all bad, a bit like sailing :)
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8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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It is plain to see that many/(most?) believe those who either voted for, or can see the opportunities of Brexit are risible idiots.

One hopes that this group is equally generous in its praise for those who subsequently do rather well investing in exactly these. :rolleyes:
If only we had a word to describe people who make money by causing harm to their country.


Well-known member
17 Dec 2003
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If only we had a word to describe people who make money by causing harm to their country.

52% made a decision and I guess that's called democracy.

If they do well, one might think of Adam Smith’s hypothetical butchers and bakers who rationally maximise their own welfares by taking decisions in their own best interests.

But I thought many argue that they are all idiots who have stuffed up their lives?


Well-known member
19 Nov 2019
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So a ton of opportunities arrived while we were still in the EU? Doesn't surprise me. We didn't need to leave the EU for there to be opportunities in sci/tech either.

Now is a good time to stop moaning only because we'll need to save it up for when the consequences of this asinine decision become real. That is what we're starting to see in this thread.

Again, show me one single, actual, real benefit from Brexit, other than keeping johnny foreigner out, but that does rather appear to have backfired for the Daily Mail crowd.
This is not the sort if stuff we want to see here! Go and play with the others in the Lounge area!
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