Anchors. I hate to do this but...

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26 Feb 2011
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Apologetic and cowed.

I'm just a simply yachtie -

Does this certificate mean the factory is approved, the anchors have passed proof testing etc etc or does it simply mean they have been drag tested in water and found to have a holding capacity 2 times that of a CQR et al. If its the latter - we have known they have 2 times the holding capacity of a CQR, as does a Supreme, SARCA, etc etc - most magazines have told us that. Having RINA tell us simply confirms the yachting mags have it all correct!

And if the certificate has been lurking in the background - why did Steve not jump up and point it out - it would have saved me looking like an idiot (and a very vindictive one to boot) as well as a simple, yachtie! How did I get it all so wrong? Should have listened to the believers and stuck to the water.

Apologies all round - Do I need to wear sackcloth? Will Craig return triumphant (and I shudder, gloating).

I'm getting behind the parapet, so move over.

Retiring, tail between legs, cowed and embarassed.
25 Feb 2010
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A prophesy

And it came to pass that Steve of Bambury stepped down from his tower of ivory, bearing a statement from the House of Racno. And the scurvy masses were much in awe.
And he told the masses that The Anchorsmith, who was the cause of much embarrassment, was to be banished unto the wilderness. And when he finished he said “I have spoken, and having spoke I shall speak no more”.

And the scurvy masses were still much in awe, and waited with bated breath

And Steve sent the Anchorsmith a private message telling him “You have caused much aggro, I banish thee to the wilderness. You are not affiliated”. As an afterthought he added……..“You may keep your E mail”

And the Anchorsmith was not a happy bunny and said “Shan’t go.”
And Steve cried “Shall. For I am Steve, son of Bambury, and I command that you go.”
And the Anchorsmith shouted “Shan’t. For I am Craig, son of Peter.”
And Steve bellowed “Shall to. For I am CEO of Racno”
And the Anchorsmith roared “Shan’t. For I have a licence and I have 670 postings on YBW and you have but one.

And single poster Steve was mightily fed up, for he looked to be a scurvy dog.
And many poster Craig was mightily fed up, for no scurvy dog was going to tell Him what to do.

And after seven days and seven nights nothing had happened so Racno put up a sign saying “Business as usual”.
And the seething masses said “Exactly”

And though they awaited a second coming of Steve…..he did not come.
And the Anchorsmith was still affiliated.


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3 Jun 2009
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And it came to pass that Steve of Bambury stepped down from his tower of ivory, bearing a statement from the House of Racno. And the scurvy masses were much in awe.
And he told the masses that The Anchorsmith, who was the cause of much embarrassment, was to be banished unto the wilderness. And when he finished he said “I have spoken, and having spoke I shall speak no more”.

And the scurvy masses were still much in awe, and waited with bated breath

And Steve sent the Anchorsmith a private message telling him “You have caused much aggro, I banish thee to the wilderness. You are not affiliated”. As an afterthought he added……..“You may keep your E mail”

And the Anchorsmith was not a happy bunny and said “Shan’t go.”
And Steve cried “Shall. For I am Steve, son of Bambury, and I command that you go.”
And the Anchorsmith shouted “Shan’t. For I am Craig, son of Peter.”
And Steve bellowed “Shall to. For I am CEO of Racno”
And the Anchorsmith roared “Shan’t. For I have a licence and I have 670 postings on YBW and you have but one.

And single poster Steve was mightily fed up, for he looked to be a scurvy dog.
And many poster Craig was mightily fed up, for no scurvy dog was going to tell Him what to do.

And after seven days and seven nights nothing had happened so Racno put up a sign saying “Business as usual”.
And the seething masses said “Exactly”

And though they awaited a second coming of Steve…..he did not come.
And the Anchorsmith was still affiliated.

Classic !!!!!
And I dub thee....Rigger Of Mirthaven.
If only the whole saga was funny.


19 Mar 2011
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You know we have all learnt some very valuable points along way from this thread, different steels and what they mean, what certification is all about , why they should be displayed, from here on in when you are purchasing an anchor you will I am sure check out proof of detail, it has bought out the angry side of some of us and I am no exception, we have had some excellent humor from Djbangi and recently Rigger, if I were capable of such humor I would forget about making anchors, but not unlike you yachters that rely on the ever changing winds these guys have a way of changing the mood, somehow making it pleasant not unlike the wind you guys rely on to sail the seas.

I think this thread has been absolutely unique ,and Ithink it has really served you well in this instant, something for everyone,the knockers,the ppreciative ones, the ones from the roky camp, the suspicious ones and the anchor manufacturers, the biggest winners have been you the end user, I don’t think we will have to many bogus anchor designers making false claims after this episode.

So all in all who do we owe this two, no I can’t say it, whether we agree or disagree M r c and Co have had this coming for a long time and guys like Delfin, Rigger, Djbangi , Brian from fortress have helped to put it right,maybe the young fellow of whom I have no grudges, believe it or not, he will learn to be a better person for it, maybe we have done his Dad a favour?We will just have to wait and see.

Regards to all.
Anchor right Australia.


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31 May 2001
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I've checked, and I was wrong. Full details of the mystery certification were given in May 2010

If you follow the link at the bottom it takes you to the certification numbers.
Mind you, the number "page not found" is unusual......... but, if Racno says it, it must be true.

Ho ho ho.

Our anchor is certified to the international standard 'Error 404'.


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31 Oct 2005
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Another new gen' anchor 'arrived' for a boat at our yard this w/e.
Owner says he won't fit it permanently, just when he arrives to go off his mooring.
He's sure it will get stolen otherwise. He'll get it from his locker each time he arrives.
I suppose it doesn't matter what connector you use, a thief with a big enough bolt cutter would go through the chain wouldn't they?
What methods could be employed to keep all these new gen' anchors safe if left on the bow roller?
I bet those 'shovel' anchors would go the first? :)


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26 Feb 2011
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RINA certs

I know a couple of people at RINA in their regional offices (HK and Shanghai, who worked on the Holdfast commission) and asked them about certificates. I have also asked at RINA's head office, but had no reply yet. Apparently the certificates are a secret and the only way to have access is to request from the manufacturer who paid for Certification. Back at the start, again. But its a real devil - if you claim in public to have it why all the secrecy?

Oddly LLoyds Register actually list all of their compliant factories worldwide, its a devil to find on their website and I cannot recall the link as I looked some time ago, but for example it lists Manson and a whole host of factories in China etc. RINA do not seem to do this, pity - or if they do it they are not telling and I specifically asked.


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11 Apr 2005
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Originally Posted by Scotty_Twister
What methods could be employed to keep all these new gen' anchors safe if left on the bow roller?

Ah well, you could always follow this example. Makes it easy to take the anchor home with you, so you don't have to worry about it getting stolen.

What could possibly go wrong?


5 Nov 2009
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Originally Posted by Scotty_Twister
What methods could be employed to keep all these new gen' anchors safe if left on the bow roller?

Ah well, you could always follow this example. Makes it easy to take the anchor home with you, so you don't have to worry about it getting stolen.

What could possibly go wrong?

Excellent idea. Just tie a bit of string onto that pin and lead it back to the boat and you need never worry about a jammed anchor again. Much easier than anchor buoys or slotted shanks.

Many thanks ;)



19 Mar 2011
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Having your anchor knocked off.

Drop the anchor in the water, (out of site out of mind) before leaving the boat, chances are they woint have a second look, no one likes pullingf up anchors at the best of time. (Do they)

Regards Rex.

Anchor Right Australia.


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26 Feb 2011
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Pink anchors

Paint it pink, or if this upsets your sensibilities, try yellow (orange, fluor red). No-one would steal a pink anchor and the paint could be better than the galvanising of those anchors bought by the vociferous.
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