Am I loosing my strength? I have an extendable aluminium brush for cleaning the boat, but I find it near impossible to undo the locking part to either extend it or if I have it extended to slide it back down. I have had to use adjustable wrenches to open it before, and even after applying a liberal amount of grease it still sticks. I find the pole bends easily but that is not the problem, just the unscrewing of it.
Any ideas what I could do, apart from keeping it up all the time?
(nearly sober enough to drive to Soton, about 2 more hours Ireckon /forums/images/icons/wink.gif)
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>
Any ideas what I could do, apart from keeping it up all the time?
(nearly sober enough to drive to Soton, about 2 more hours Ireckon /forums/images/icons/wink.gif)
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>