I thought I should just mention that, according to some new research by the TT Club (The Through Transport Mutual Insurance Association), the main insurer of containers and container operations, the actual number of boxes lost overboard annually appears to be about 2,000, world wide. This is a lot less than some earlier estimates had suggested.
If this number is right, the chances of hitting one are negligible; not all the 2,000 will have expanded polystyrene packaging of electronics inside (allowing them to float) and not all of them will leap overboard in N Europe, the Mediterranean, the Tasman, the East and West coasts of the USA and the Caribbean.
If this number is right, the chances of hitting one are negligible; not all the 2,000 will have expanded polystyrene packaging of electronics inside (allowing them to float) and not all of them will leap overboard in N Europe, the Mediterranean, the Tasman, the East and West coasts of the USA and the Caribbean.