AIS. Lies & Misconceptions


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30 May 2001
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It is a safe bet that they will soon have this as a box, or a 'screen' inset on their radar display, or on the chart plotter. OK for big ships with big displays .......but it will make life on the leisure boat 7" diagonal more fun, more cluttered, more confusing, or you divide the screen, so that it looks even more cluttered, or you keep toggling between one display and another - and miss something which it was more important to see.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes agreed, but it will also be a safe bet that it will only work with current generation radars & plotters so trying to force us into updating! Nobody else seems to be rushing into standalone displays though do they?



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10 Sep 2004
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Re:If you sail with a lot of newbies

Who are you speaking for when you decide everyone of us but you is an idiot and cannot understand the principles of passive RADAR. (No offence meant by the way)

This keeps popping up. Do you or anyone else who thinks your average yacht skipper cannot understand the use of this equipment also believe we should remove other items. The compass, no one can possibly understand deviation, the sounder, people are far too stupid to understand keel offset and everyone but you will drive their boats into the putty. Apparent wind, now! No one can possibly understand the difference and will read the screen oblivious to the real situation.

Please, give the rest of us some credit.....


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11 Oct 2002
Home in Chilterns, Boat in Southampton, Another bo
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Re:Well clearly I\'m speaking for me.

Who are you reading for? If anything I've written makes you feel like an idiot well thats just your take on it.

I, and a number of other people have doubts about the usefulness of a new piece of kit. I, and a number of people don't like the content or tone of an advert for the said piece of kit. From my observations and a number of conversations I've had I believe there's some confusion in the general yottie community about the subject.
We have been discussing it here. Whats wrong with that that gets to you?


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6 Feb 2004
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Re: Misunderstood?

You could almost say the same for the active radar reflectors
Erm - Active RADAR Reflector - does exactly what it says it does ... receives a radar signal and actively transmits a response ... don't get any misconception with that.

But no it doesn't always reflect as we all know from the recent tests, so it doesn't do exactly what it says.

So the misconception could be that it will always reflect any radar, which isn't the case. You need to know a little more to understand it.



New member
14 Feb 2002
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Re:If you sail with a lot of newbies

Who are you speaking for when you decide everyone of us but you is an idiot and cannot understand the principles of passive RADAR. (No offence meant by the way)

This keeps popping up. Do you or anyone else who thinks your average yacht skipper cannot understand the use of this equipment also believe we should remove other items. The compass, no one can possibly understand deviation, the sounder, people are far too stupid to understand keel offset and everyone but you will drive their boats into the putty. Apparent wind, now! No one can possibly understand the difference and will read the screen oblivious to the real situation.

Please, give the rest of us some credit.....

[/ QUOTE ]

You're right. Some of the postings do look as if the writer's are saying "I understand it, but other people aren't bright enough to"
I think some people are looking for a problem that doesn't exist.