Advise the use of a small inflatable as 1st boat


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11 Jun 2003
Cheshire UK
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Hi all, advise please my mate wants to get into boating and is thinking of getting himself a new small inflatable around 8-10ft with maybe a 4-5hp outboard just to potter about in, I wonder if any of you folks that use this type of boat could give some advise about the use of this type of boat, he plans to use it in sheltered water only around the isle of bute, but he tells me in the area he was thinking of the tide can run at up to 5knts, he would like to carry maybe 2 adults and 2 kids, what can he expect from it ect, I am only used to bigger power boats/RIBs ect so I cannot help him to much.

Regards Nick.

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by nickjaxe on 25/07/2004 23:22 (server time).</FONT></P>


Well-known member
21 Jun 2004
Anglesey Wales
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Hi nickjaxe how about a dory type boat? Safe platform, more boaty than a rib. with acuddy for the kids about 16 foot and a20 to 30 hp outboard to punch the tide and probably cheaper to buy than arib to get started and see if he likes the boaty scene.Then he won,t mind if he bumps into your big boat!

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31 Aug 2001
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Bit marginal IMHO

10ft 2 adults + 2 children and needs >5kt with 4-5 HP
unless others know better, I'd have thought 12ft and 6HP but still should be easily stowable in car boot. Also would advise him to physically check weight of intended outboard in case he ahs to lug it far. Carrying handle comfort is v important as is to consider a lighter 2-stroke than 4-stroke.

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