Advise needed - Hull repairs


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19 Aug 2003
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Anybody got recommendation for Hull repairers in the Lymington area - someone left me with this sometime over the past couple of weeks



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15 Jun 2006
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Hi tross.
Oldsaltoz, (member) is your man for advice on this one.
Looks quite nasty, do you know what actually hit it?
The gel coat will need to be removed for a diameter of about 11/2 times the length of the pen and I wouldent be surprised if there is impact damage to the underlying laminate, which should be thoroughly examined.
If you were near me, I would take on the repair, but afraid its too far away.Looking at the pic again, it looks as if the gelcoat is forced into the laminate, a very hard, localised impact, which will surely have caused fracturing of the laminate, and also effectet a temperory dent or buckling of the area.
Grp laminate has more strength under compression than under tensile stress, which could be a saviour in this case.


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4 Jul 2001
Australia, East coast.
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G'day David,

Nasty impact, can't imagine what would leave a mark like that?

I'm just a little bit too far away to do the repair for you but I would advise you that you could make a saving by doing the glass repair and letting a specialist do the gelcoat repair.

Sand away the gelcoat surface and collect all the dust for use later to match the colour of the gelcoat.

Check the inside of the hull for any cracks or broken fibres, if you find any, apply some tape over the outside and grind out any internal damage, you could use a small wood chisel and avoid a lot of dust inside. Layup with epoxy resin and cloth designed for epoxy, not CSM as this has large voids and will not only use more of the expensive resin but make the repair weak. start with small discs and build up the level off a couple of mm below the surrounding material, when cured fill with Micro-Balloons and sand smooth when cured.

Back to the outside:
Grind out all damaged material, expect to see a small area of the glass just laid up inside when finished' The outer edge of the repair area should be feathered off so that the gelcoat section is about half an inch wide. Layup as before using small bits first and larger bits as you wet out to the gelcoat line. Stop laminating just below the gelcoat level, dragging a flexible plastic ruler over the repair following the hull shape will indicate any areas too high or low. Let this cure and wash with a running hose and rub with a plastic kitchen scourer to remove resin residue left by the curing process, the water will no longer form beads when it's clean, this will only take a couple of minutes. You can call your gelcoat expert to complete the repairs.

Use a fibreglass cloth of between 200 and 300 grams and finish with a lighter roving cloth. You will need less than a litre of epoxy resin and only an off-cut of glass cloth and roving's.

Hope this helps.




Active member
19 Aug 2003
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Thanks to everyone for the advise but this is an insurance claim and I am looking for recommendation on local professional repairers