Advice about my archimedes\crescent outboard


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11 Jun 2003
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Advice about my archimedes\\crescent outboard

Hi folks this is my first post on here hope sombody my be able to give me some advice, I have a 5hp archimedes\crescent outboard that normaly runs very smoothly but the last time I used it it kept cutting out after about 10-15mins, I would leave it maybe 5mins and it would go again, then run for maybe 5-10mins and stop, I have changed the plug had the carb off seems clean, tonight I took the flywheel off to look at the electrics, but apart from setting the points I dont know how to check any of the ignition parts, anybody any ideas what may be the prob, or does anybody know of a spare part dealer for this motor, thanks in advance.

Nick in runcorn.

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Re: Advice about my archimedes\\crescent outboard

How about cleaning out the jets in the carb, even if they look clear they can be partially blocked.

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11 Jan 2002
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Re: Advice about my archimedes\\crescent outboard

Five mins is a good long time. Soiund as if a carb of fuel is geting burtned, and maybe a bit more. Whcih would seem like praps venting the tank. Sorry if this is all simple stuff, though it has to be something fairly simple dunnit?

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11 Jun 2003
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Re: Advice about my archimedes\\crescent outboard

Hi thanks for the replys, yes I checked the vent on the tank, have cleaned the jets but not the tank, I will check that out, I have not tryed it since the prob started on saturday just gone, but would like to check as much as pos before I do again.


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Re: Advice about my archimedes\\crescent outboard

I suppose if overheating was the cause, the running times would be shorter?

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Re: Advice about my archimedes\\crescent outboard

funny you should say that, as I read all the fuel related posts I was wondering about over heating, piston expands, grabs hold of the bore, is it water (water ways full of scale as quite old?) or aircooledd? which case cooling fins full of crap etc?

<hr width=100% size=1>Sod the Healey - I think I'll buy an E-Type.


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Re: Advice about my archimedes\\crescent outboard

How about this for a theory - a sticky float valve in the carb? The float chamber is full initially, the engine runs for 5 minutes until its eaten all that is in the float chamber. Then enough fuel dribbles through in the next 5 or 10 minutes for it to start again. Or else on the electrical side the ignition coil. I've heard of people having problems with that are temperature related.

A big clue might be from how it stops. If it just instantly stops firing then I'd guess electrics, if it runs rougher and can be kept alive for a bit by closing the throttle or turing on the choke then its fuel starvation. Do you have time to pull the plug out and check for a spark when its in the "not running" state?

Another thought (I'm doing good on the bizarre theories tonight) does it have an air filter, maybe that is blocked.


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13 Jul 2002
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Re: Advice about my archimedes\\crescent outboard

I think this may be basically the same motor as my old Volvo Penta 51, which I stopped using about 18 years ago becase it was so tempremental.

Does your engine have a separate fuel tank, like the VP 51, or an integral tank like the similar VP 39. If it has a separate tank then there is a fuel pump on the engine which could be faulty or there could be a tiny air leak on the fuel line or more likely in the connection to the engine.

My old vp51 used to run for long enough for me to get the anchor on deck then stop and refuse to start until the plug was cleaned. Once up and running under load though it would run all day or at least until I slowed down to enter a marina berth.

I reckon your engine is so old you will be very lucky to find any spares

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11 Jun 2003
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Re: Advice about my archimedes\\crescent outboard

Hi all thanks for the input, up to now checked all the above float vavle is ok, when it cut out it was very sudden, I am begining to think it is ign related, I think if it were fuel it would prob splutter a bit, anyway I have had a good look at the electrics tonight there was corosion on some contacts ie on top of the condencer points and the ign coil, the middle terminal on the condencer seems a bit loose does anybody now the symptoms for a faulty condencer, seem to remember they can act up when hot, as I say the engine starts very well when cold just stops when it gets hot after about 10-15mins, dont think its overheating it turns very easy after it stops, I wonder if a condencer from a car would do, I have some knocking about, as sombody said spares may be a prob.

Regards nick.

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13 Jul 2002
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Re: Advice about my archimedes\\crescent outboard

In my experience a dodgy condeser will make it difficult to start. If you do decide thats the problem just find a car type that will fit in. I had to do that several years ago with an old lawn mower. Although it must be said that with electronic ignition systems in modern cars you wont find as many condensers on the shelf in Halords as there were 15 years ago.

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