Well-known member
Can anyone explain what the Adverc does? I have one and had pretty much ignored it but about to fit a bunch of new things including a B2B and Lithium battery and it feels like a good time to understand this other box! a half arsed look this evening suggests that it connects to the alternator and the house bank, which seems weird since the Adverc is right next to the VSR and switches so no idea why there's a wire going all the way to the battery terminal.
It has very thin wires so I'd be surprised if it's participating in the 30A charge from the alternator directly but I can't seem to find a useful doc on what it's up to.
It has very thin wires so I'd be surprised if it's participating in the 30A charge from the alternator directly but I can't seem to find a useful doc on what it's up to.