Has anyone any information on the Achilles 24 - good or bad ! Comments on both fin and triple keel version welcome. I'm considering one as a short-handed cruiser . Is there an owners association ? I can't find one.
I have no personal experience of them but there was a chap kept a bilge keel version in Ravenglass on the Cumbria coast. He sailes it single handed to Iceland and further afield - often. He wrote articles for the various mags back in the 80's.
Very satisfying boat to sail. Quick, balanced with good seakeeping qualities. I sailed mine in some pretty heavy weather and it kept going really well. We took it from Poole to the West Country twice and had a cruise from Falmouth to Waterford in Eire. You get very wet sailing one and the accommodation is a bit spartan but I liked it very much. Mine had an outboard well in the middle of the cockpit which at least put the drive on the centre line.