A Policy for our times. Yobs and Immigrants dealt with in one go.



Re: yada yada yada . . . here we go again

As it is the Inland Revenue know where I live and what I earn, and seem to be getting an ever increasing share of it. They and their polititian masters are the ones I want to kick out of the country.

[/ QUOTE ] We received the usual Annual demand for tax returns this morning. Three envelopes, only one of which was addressed correctly. The other two spelt the road and the town completely incorrectly although I admit that they got the post code and house number right.

If the Inland Revenue, part of the Treasury, are so incompetent as this, may the Lord help us when it comes to calculating our tax liabilities.

With such incompetance in his department should the responsible minister (Gordon Brown) not submit his resignation immediately. It appears that he could not run a pissup in a brewery. (Come to think of it he is probably TT)


New member
1 Jan 2002
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no subsidy but...

I only use 5 or 10 galls of diesel a season, but I can't resist this. Diesel is never subsidised, just taxed more or less. Car drivers do not subsidise red diesel users... they just pay more tax. Is the tax worthwhile? As far as I'm concerned the government can tax me as much as they want to make sure old ladies don't starve, that the streets are properly policed and people are educated properly and aren't left without medical care. Unfortunately a shockingly small proportion of your taxes goes into stuff like this. As I age this realisation is one hell of a disappointment.


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
People who can\'t spell where I live - let\'s hang them all . . . .

We received the usual Annual demand for tax returns this morning.

[/ QUOTE ] erm . . . so what is so shockingly incompetent? Right names, delivered to the right address at the right time of the year . . . surely incompetence would be indicated by the forms' non-arrival and subsequent harassment?

Private business (eg banks) makes this sort of cock-up - and worse - all the time, and is generally less accountable. I assume that you yourself are perfect and have never made any kind of administrative or organisational blunder?

I can't see that resignations are in order over a spelling mistake. A basic sense of perspective seems to be missing here. You are simply angry because you have to pay tax - yet I have no doubt that you use the system supported by that tax to your very best advantage.

If you are seriously worried that Gordon and his merry men can't count then you are of course at liberty to calculate your own tax liability - it's not that difficult.

Now stop sulking and pay up so I can get all those lovely benefits . . .

- Nick