A Mixed weekend ( long post)


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21 Jan 2003
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With the boat finally back in the water and everything treble checked it was time to take her out for a spin.
We chose the 1500 hr lockout about an hour after the losck closure had finished due to the tides, so of we headed into the lock and made a fine textbook job of mooring up !! I was well pleased that on the first lock for a long time I managed not to spin it!!! Everything at this stage was looking good and engine running very well,so we left the lock and proceeded into the fairway we were all observing the 4 knot limit except for one vessel the Swansea Pilot the Mad B*****D came tearing down the fairway at 20 plus knots pushing up a huge bowwave fortunately I saw it coming and managed to get the bow turned into it With a single outdrive boat doing 4 knots control of the boat is somewhat erratic at the best of times but in this large swell was not pleasant at all!! SWMBO was looking a bit pale at this point!! I am now getting the boat under more control when SWMBO shouts lookout!! I look back and the Pilot boat is pulling away from the pontoon and coming up the fairway at a tremendous rate of knots once again pushing up a huge bowwave this time it caught us beam on BIG time and we broached very very badly and took one in from the side, SWMBO at this stage was hysterical I was fighting with an almost uncontrollable boat ,so the only option as I saw it then, was to push on the power and sod the speed limit and get the boat under some kind of control.A lot of the other smaller boats and some Yatchts had all suffered the same fate at the hands of this lunatic, I was horrified to see rhe boat in front of me heeling right over with water lapping at the gunnels with Todlers on board!!! fortunately they, like us had their lifejackets on there is a strongly worded letter of complaint heading to ABP Management. .... Finally we made the open Sea and everthing calmed down the sea was like a pond which is more than I could say for SWMBO, even with my lack of boat handling skills and unreliable machinery I had failed single handedly to totally terrify her, that distinction has been awarded to a professional sea going extremly qualified Captain!!! Who I would dearly like to meet in a dark ally so that i cangive him a Glaswegion (sp) kiss!!

So here we are in the middle of the bay about to put the boat through it's paces pushing throttles up boat responds well and quickly up on the plane at 12 knots, and pulling away nicely a smug sense of satisfaction that at last I had conquered all my problems yippee !!! but alas it was short lived !!! approaching 15 knts temp gauge goes of the scale!!! I just could't believe it so back on the throttles back to it's preffered 6 Boody knts and a gentle cruise around the bay to settle everyone down before going back to the lock, once again a nice text book entry and we moored on our berth without mishap, we were however shaken as well as disapointed, SwMBO swears an oath to NEVER EVER set foot on a boat again!!!


We were invited out on a Princess 415 for a jaunt over to Saundersfoot some 27nm along the coast SwMBO was now shaking and saying she does not want to go but the Skipper Steve is very persuavsive and finally talks her into coming along it was a great day cruising along the Gower coast at a sedate 8 knts with a large buffet and sipping nice cold wine I could see SWMBO claming down after lunch up to 18 knts crossing Camarthen bay the Dolphins were evident but not in a playfull mood but at least we had a glimpse of them, The whole trip was very genteel and extremely relaxing, Saturday now seemed a lifetime away. So A BIG thanks to Steve on Anastasia for helping rescue my boating hobby !!!

Sees me in my customary position of scrabbling around in the bilges, I stripped the water pump and found a little bit of debris but nothing much really and not enogh to cause the overheating, finally I stripout the new thermostat I cannot find anything suspect a feeling a Deja Vous comes over Me!!
So finally out on the 1600hr lock, moored like clockwork again with just my eldest and me on board.Finally out into the bay there was a brisk westerly blowing causing a nasty short chop to the water, which was a pity given how flat calm it was on Saturday, so here we go again started pushing open the throttles, 10 knts all is well, 14knts all is well ,albeit a harsh ride until up on the plane, I was keeping a beady eye on the temp gauge but it was fine so I pushed the throttles fully open and gave her some stick!! a Whackung 16 knts!!! the boat hasn't been that quick for years!!!! A feeling of triumph I cannot explain !!I have beaten the beast!!!! but she had to have her last little word before defeat and the alternator light popped on!!
Still very happy, we headed for the berth with the knowledge that all she needs is some fine tuning, and the alternator looking at. Heading back into the lock full of confidence pulled up alongside, and then it happened bink! bang! bosh !! made a real pigs ear of it this time ,and to cap it all I couldn't get the boat out of gear!!! fortunately ther was only 1 other boat in the lock and no damage done, a quick stip of the morse lever revealed a wayward split pin, duly replaced, and we headed back to the mooring!!! So I awarded myself a couple of cold beers and a slap up meal !!!!

Can't wait to get back out there !!!


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Active member
12 Dec 2002
North Ayrshire/ Glencoe
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T'was certainly a mixed weekend, But at least you were back out on the water. And it can only get better, I hope your SWMBO comes round to giving it another go.
Very seldom do i know where people are talking about on here, But i think you are talking about the Twase Lock? Correct?? I was down there last year when i bought my Rinker, And took one out on a Demo. I spoke to Robin and Cas a couple of weeks ago, regarding trading up, But they don't have much at the moment. Do you know of any bigger Rinkers for sale??

BTW, Did you report that plonker??


<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://arweb.co.uk/argallery/alistair?&page=1> My Pictures, Look if you want.</A>

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