Having reached the final stage of the top-end rebuild of my second hand Yanmar 1GM before I fit it into the boat I find that it refuses to start without providing the intake with some hot air from a paint stripper. Runs fine once started. Squirting some oil into the bore makes very little difference to starting so I assume the rings are OK. Spoke to Cellar marine who have been very helpful in the past who suggested I need to check the piston height above the top of the bore which should be 0.37mm (15 thou) and fit a new gasket. I find that my piston is just 0.15 mm above the bore at TDC. I find it hard to believe that 0.22 mm in a stroke of 72 mm will make sufficient difference to compression to prevent starting. Interestingly the specifications say that the piston to head separation at TDC should be 0.7mm. The new gasket is 1.4 mm thick (as is the old one) which indicates that it must be reversibly compressed to 1.07 mm when the head is torqued up - possible I suppose.
Does anyone have any suggestions what else could be causing the starting problems or do I need to bite the bullet and buy and fit a new con-rod to gain the extra 0.22 mm? A thinner gasket would be an attractive solution if it is a compression problem but I doubt this is available.
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Does anyone have any suggestions what else could be causing the starting problems or do I need to bite the bullet and buy and fit a new con-rod to gain the extra 0.22 mm? A thinner gasket would be an attractive solution if it is a compression problem but I doubt this is available.
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