Recent content by gallan947

  1. G

    Standard Horizon Mounting Bracket

    Haha I don't suppose you still have it do you? I desperately need one.. Can't find them online..
  2. G

    Unwelcoming Owners' websites

    Strange, when I asked a question on the prospective owners questions on the Moody site, I got lots of answers and information, and an offer to come view a Moody model I was interested in that was local to me in Langstone harbour.. ended up doing an evenings race with the chap, and have kept in...
  3. G

    SH GX1600E VHF Bracket

    leaving it off would work fine - but cutting the 'ears' off like i have, also works fine - doesn't hinder the bracket and leaves me not worrying about the temp of the back heat-sink and any wires that may get too close.
  4. G

    SH GX1600E VHF Bracket

    Right - lots of speedy replies - i've also come on to both agree with you and also answer my own questions in case anyone has this problem in the future The problem you have, is the GX1600e has a plastic cooling frame cover over the back - not sure why and looks like an afterthought as it has...
  5. G

    SH GX1600E VHF Bracket

    Sorry to be a necromancer and resurrect old posts - but did you get this sorted? i'm finding it a massive PITA - not sure if to hack saw the bracket, take a file to the back of the radio - or start from scratch and make a new bracket..
  6. G

    Standard Horizon GX1600e can't hear Ch16

    Hi - Defo says 16 - tried navigating to it from both the MIC and the main unit, I didn't try it with Canada or USA.. as from experience with the hand held I was certain it had to be in INTL
  7. G

    Standard Horizon GX1600e can't hear Ch16

    Hi Guys, just come home from a weekends sailing around the Solent, and I appear to be having an issue with my new (this year) SH GX1600e - After fitting in March I carried out new installation radio checks on Ch67 and Ch80 (as I was in Port Solent for winter) both came back able to hear me loud...
  8. G

    recognise this furler system?

    Hi - has nothing stamped on the drum.. that I could see - haven't looked underneath it come to think of it! - but no numbers or letters on top..
  9. G

    recognise this furler system?

    Hi does anyone please recognise this roller furling system that I have on my Hunter horizon 23 - looking at all other HH23's i've ever seen it DOESN'T appear to be the standard fit one.. Over winter i've managed to drop one of the black rollers overboard, so hoping to order a new one many thanks
  10. G

    Scuttlebutt Solent to Poole Cruise - Spring 2013

    Aaah I spent a lovely fireworks night last year sat on the mud about 6m from the pontoon waiting for the tide to come in.. a wicked cross current there too.. nearly kept the boat there for winter, they seem a great bunch - not sure what boat Paul moved upto - it was a fair chunk bigger though as...
  11. G

    Scuttlebutt Solent to Poole Cruise - Spring 2013

    Hi - that's where I purchased the boat from! - do you know of it?
  12. G

    Scuttlebutt Solent to Poole Cruise - Spring 2013

    Beat me to it :) - Yes please include me! - will sort out names addys, pics etc this weekend if thats ok? - in the meanwhile the boats name is Teazy
  13. G

    Hunter boats? any views

    That sounds like a challenge to me ;)
  14. G

    Scuttlebutt Solent to Poole Novice Cruise - Spring 2012

    Guys I'm so sorry i'm late in responding, been manic at work sorting the air traffic stuff out for the Olympics - am defo wanting to still come, really hope it's not too late? Have sent Russel the money tonight, I am planning on making it to Yarmouth on the Friday. Please tell me i'm not too...
  15. G

    Scuttlebutt Solent to Poole Novice Cruise - Spring 2012

    Need another Leisure 17? :) or have i missed the cut off? Would love to join a trip like this, excellent idea to be able to sail out further than Chi to Bembridge with company!