You should try running on 4 star!


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16 May 2001
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I notice that there are prices down as low as 19p per liter on this forum, so... why does everyone have such a prefix with the price, my 1963 AQ80 will only run on 4 star and uses around a gallon every 45 minutes at around 83p per litre at the local garage, which i then have to ferry via Jerry cans (not available on river). you gays have it good really, don't get me wrong i'm not complaining, otherwise I would sell the boat or replace with something more modern, but do not understand why everybody seems to have a problem, surely this is part and parcel of the joys of boating

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31 Aug 2001
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Re: Choices

Not really a prob, just natural meaness I suppose.
You haven't filled in much bio so one cannot comment on your situation

Overall, diesels much greater investment even if big enough petrols available to do the job. We have 2 x CAT 3208's so it uses 20-40 gals/hr and her tanks take 370 gal. So a few pence makes a difference. Anyway, don't you drive past the expensive petrol station on the roads to the cheaper one ??

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16 May 2001
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Re: Choices

I understand what you are saying, and yes at one stage i did look for the cheaper, however, nowadays I always fill up at the same garage regardless of price, (unless away from home, where i use whatever is handy). I used about 2.5 gallons this weekend on the boat just tinkering with the engine after putting it back together

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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Re: Choices

I think the issue is more the fact that the variation is between 19p/l and 45+p/l
no imagine the garage you always use charged you 2 pounds 10p per litre - are you going to stick with it? Wouldn't you rather have know before you turned up with your jerry can and were short of time? In many cases visiting boats can be forced by circumstances to fuel at 'silly prices' in relative terms.

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