YM Learning Curve Chapter 2


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18 Jun 2001
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Having just got my YM as the cold makes the carrier pigeons wings stiffen and the first snows begin to fall here, the 2 threads on this subject make a lot more sense.
I have a mild concern and that is that there is a plan to replicate the trip Forumally in October and I appear to have committed myself to it.

Is there any possibility of these circumstances repeating themselves and the major percentage of Scufflebiters end up in Cherboug Hospital or can assurances be given that if we don't like the look or sound of it - we are not going to be driven by the Combined Youthful Exubrance of Ken, Jimi et al and get sucked into some 'My boat's better than yours and it'll be a doddle going across here in an 8 - look, I'll show you' scenario.
I realise that I'm probably being considered a wuss by the majority of readers - not Mirelle as he is a very sensible chap - for posing such a question.

<hr width=100% size=1>regards


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29 Apr 2003
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Sign me up for the wussies list! I was shocked by the post a while back suggesting that a forecast of 7-8 will see the trip left to the owners of the more stable boats (not the more stable boat owners), who will then have the pick of the crews dumped by the timid skippers. IMHO anyone who sets off on a pure jolly, in open water, knowing the forecast is 7-8 needs his YM ticket looking at, in the very least. If there's an 8 on offer you can always join my hearty lads for a p**s up in the Folly!

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1 Jun 2003
Here here!!

Both of us have had our fair share of heavy weather and setting out in "to be honest anything more than a 6" when the ambient temperature will be at October levels is not only going to be foolhardy but will also be damn right unpleasant.

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9 Jun 2003
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SI it inherently dangerous to sail across to France in October? Is it also dangerous to sail in a F7? I think the answer to both is an emphatic "no".

As I made the post to which you refer, I also can't find any reference to me saying that an F7 is a doddle. However, depending on the direction, the fetch, etc., an F7 is still safe. An F7 tomorrow when it was F4 today is not as bad as an F7 after a week of such winds.

What I did suggest was the possibility that the forecast might be for F7 or even F8. That does not mean it will be F8. As the end of that week approached, there may be some who would already have planned to drop out.

I wouldn't go off into an F8 to Cherbourg, but have been quite happy to do so in such conditions on other passges. I'm not alone, either - in the Spring it was F8 forecast and F9 in reality and had a great day (lot's of fun). A friend goes out into F9's in the Sea of the Hebrides (Sigma 41) as he's comfortable with the conditions and has a boat rigged for the weather.

What stuns me, though, is your suggestion that I was implying that anyone who would go in an F7 would be a wus. If you are not comfortable sailing in less pleasant conditions then it would be best not to go. That makes you a better sailor than those who might believe they must go when niether they nor their boats are suitable.

For another viewpoint, consider the average USA sailor who will not go out in an F6 and thinks the British (who so often have no choice if they want to use their boats) to be as mad as hatters.

So, would you go in an F6 which (quite reasonably) might become an F7? What if it was forecast SW F5/6 on Friday and then you wake up on Sunday in Cherbourg to find it a distinct possibility of F8 for the return. Would you leave your boat there?

I hope you now understand that the post was not about bravado but was instead a reasoned post for those who don't mind a bit of a blow.

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18 Jun 2001
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Crossed Purposes

My post is entirely concerned with the proposed trip to Cherbourg in October by quite a large team of forum members. It does not refer to your post and as such does not criticise anything you've said
Hope this explains things and apologies for any offence or hurt caused.

<hr width=100% size=1>regards


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9 Jun 2003
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Re: Crossed Purposes

Claymore, Sgt. Pepper and SNAFU are one and the same (only because I have a different login at home).

Still, there was no offence taken, and my post was serious both times. I am planning to go the Cherbourg with the Scuttlebutt crowd in October, and I'm also plannning a trip at the end of this month.



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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
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Hey Kim Ban him

"Claymore, Sgt. Pepper and SNAFU are one and the same "

Claysie's causing trouble again, dual IDs and stirring it up .. will the wee cantankerous goat never learn

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18 Jun 2001
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Ets no me.

Its grumbledink. I forgot he stopped being grumbledink and became Sgt Snafu. If I'd known it was Humpers I'd have given him a really unpleasant answer - I thought I had to be respectful and polite.
Anyway - how are you, you ageing Englebert?

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18 Jun 2003
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Re: Here here!!

I can tell you that the ambient sea water temp this weekend was 21C - warmer therefore than sailing in May. The air temp was also warmer than most June passages I've done over the past few years - and a darned sight warmer than the Western Isles in mid August during the daytime.

So how warm and how calm does a passage need to be to be safe?

In the Triangle Race last year, the fleet set off into an F8. This (as I'm sure you know) is a two handed race over a course slightly longer than the Fastnet. The faster boats got the weather and were all fine.

I'm not having a go at you, just wondering where you feel "safe" ends and foolhardy begins? F4/5 sunny day Solent = safe and F7 away from the land is unsafe?

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18 Jun 2003
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Re: Ets no me.

Hello - (both of us here - wish I could remember my passwords and get back to just one ID). I was never banned, you know. Or at least if I was, I was never told about it!

All is well. Been too busy sailing and working to be on the forums other than the quick look now and again.

So far this sailing year I've logged 2,500 weekend miles, been to four countries, sailed in a prolonged F9, and spent most of my time solo. Best of all I've not had a single gear failure of any kind - not even a lightbulb, on Sergeant Pepper, although this is almost bettered by my total expenses being one chart, one can of wood sealer and two cans of varnish - haven't even bought a single gadget from a chandlery.

My only dillemma now is why everyone talks of the "sailing season" as having ended. Surely, this is the best time of year after the August Doldrums? Now we should all be out on the water enjoying what our boats can really do. Incredibly, on Monday morning, there were just three other sailboats visible on the Solent! Crazy. I just can't adapt to the idea that a boat is only to be used between May and August.

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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
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Dinnae worry Laddie I'll bring my copy of "Heavy Weather Sailing" along for refence to ensure our safety. When the equinoxial gales hit just read out the relevant bits to us to make sure we're OK. Its served me well in Southampton water in F7 so I've every confidence we'll be fine.

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24 Feb 2003
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Re: Hey Kim Ban him

what about the grenouilleur?
do we ban hi
him as well?

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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
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Sailing in F6

OK .. I'll take the bait! I enjoy sailing with a bit of wind and have crossed from Cherbourg to Hurst (North channel) in a F7/8 and thoroughly enjoyed it. Id rather do that than motor across in a flat calm. I probably would'nt if a F8 was forecast as there might be a F9 but I would have absolutely no problem setting off in a F6.

I've also set off from Yarmouth in F8 to Poole and met F9 on the way across, still enjoyed the experience and would do it again.

Also left Lakki in a F9 to get to Kos in a Bav 40 .. needed to to get a plane.

With reasonable crew of course! Oh and I've got an AWB, Benteau 331!

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by jimi on 17/09/2003 10:45 (server time).</FONT></P>