yatch rounding


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11 May 2004
notts/west coast scotland
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i am after some advice , last saturday early morning in a storm my swinging mooring broke and my yatcht ended up on her side on the rocks , she was refloated and re moored but when i managed to get back on her she was taking on water and had to be driven to a jetty . i have the insurance involved because of the hole on the keel plus water damage in the engine bay,but the insurance proceedure seems very complicated. she will need to be taken somewhere to access the damage, also the yard are going to patch up the hole and take her there,this is going to take time and money, the insurance say they will have to send a surveyer , what will he do? the yard should provide an estimate. i am not sure what i should be doing as the insurance say i am responsible for her and should do all what is neccesary.this as not happened to me before and the process is all too different to a motor claim. any advice on how to go on from here dealing with their surveyer etc would be of great help


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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Re: yacht gounding

she should be got ashore immediately. you should do all you can to reduce the claim,I.E dont let matters get worse.

once ashore its really up to the Surveyor. You should agree with the Ins Co who to use. its in your interest to get a sympathic Surveyor on your side.

Are you covered this time of year on a swinging mooring


1 Jan 2006
13:44:00N 100:32:00E
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The surveyor will assess the damage, fully inspect the boat and make the recommendations on what needs to be done and who is best to do it.
Your responsibility is to make sure that the effects of the damage are minimised and that the boat is protected from any other damage. If you have any questions you should contact a surveyor or even engage one to work on your behalf, and that is the best way to ensure that you get what is fair from your insurer.
On the west coast, you need maitland murray 01631 565762 or jim mcilraith at survey one. Worth a chat with either just to re assure you about the process. Very different from car insurance because there cna be hidden structural issues and ultimately, your insurance co doesn't want you to sink.

murray was engaged by pantaenius to look after repairs on my boat and was excellent, easy to talk to and knows the best folks to go to to get things done.
Another good resource for advice in your area is Alastair Maclean. He's an independent boat builder (used to run the ardfern repair operation). his number is 07733 107 776


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11 May 2004
notts/west coast scotland
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yes she is covered for swinging moorings, the insurance also say that they may use a surveyer. i have had a boat buiding firm from corpach come out to temp repair the hole and they are going to check the engine runs although i did start start her when we had to run her to the jetty . they say they will when the tides are better the "if all seems well" sail her from lock sunart to corpach. myself not knowing if the boat is safe wont do this , do you think i am being reasonable to let them do it bearing in mind the cost might be a fair ammount?


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3 Mar 2005
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dont accept any cost without reference to the ins co.
dont move her untill they allow you to
your only cost will be the policy excess

[/ QUOTE ]
Absolutely agree. Until your claim is settled the boat belongs to the insurance and you mustn't do anyt6hing without their agreement.


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11 May 2004
notts/west coast scotland
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if she is not moved to the repair yard can i still get an estimate for all damage done, the insurance have said it is up to me what i dobut having rescued her from the rocks and got her to a place of relative safety .i have done what they asked as to damage limitation,the only costs involved to date will be the boatyard coming out make safe the hole and get the engine going and the fees for the use of the jetty. should i put the recovery to the boatyard on hold and let the insurance let me know weather or not to move her, if so can i send in the claim form with no emergency recovery costs or bills but just the incident report? leaving them to decide to move her sending a statement to the effect that an estimate can really only be done at the boat yard?


Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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all those costs can be claimed / paid by the Ins. that is limiting their losses.
before any thought of Going to Sea is concerned you must clear that with them as if you had problems arrising due to the previous damage they might not pay up.

I do Hope She is ok tonight in this wind.
All the Best


Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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I think you ought to put these questions to the Insurance company. When my boat was rammed and damaged by a much bigger one, while on its mooring, my insurers had a claim supervisor who kept in close touch, and who was able to advise at each stage what needed doing to ensure things went smoothly.


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3 May 2005
Kidderminster, West Mid.
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Having been through this many years ago:
Keep meticulous notes of all telephone conversations, inc dates times who and agreed actions.
Keep copies of all letteres
Read EVERY line in the policy.
The surveyor will be paid for by the insuresrs and consequently will have their interests at heart, ie getting the vessel repaired at the minimal cost to the insurer.
Don't be browbeaten and NEVER get shirty, polite but firm is the motto.


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11 May 2004
notts/west coast scotland
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many thanks boys for all the advice , I think up to now i have i have done things as they should be done . I have to get get to the yard from the jety and on safety grounds i will not do it myself , not knowing what if any other damage may have been done so the yard were involved in the first instant to emergency repair the hole, next week that will be checked and the engine started( maybe) and when the tides are good they will take her to their yard and from there all hopefully can be done. It's not doing her much good either where she is
I told the insurance "GJW" what i was going to do they said it's up to you as i am still the owner . It has to be done and as i am instructing them on safety grounds to get it the yard i think there is no other way. I will keep you posted


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16 May 2001
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Good Luck with getting it all sorted. Get insurance co to email or fax their instructions on how to proceed.You can keep copies then.