Yachting personals??


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19 Apr 2004
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While this site may be primarily about boats, it is also about relationships. As a subsciber for many years to "Living Aboard" and numerous other boating magazines, I'm kinda surprised that all you nice folks who are at sea or, like me, making preparations seem to assume that everybody who aspires to such a lifestyle has by his or her side a compatible mate. I see many articles who are written by one or the other boater living on a given craft about many worthwhile practical things -- mechanical matters, provisioning, whatever. Is there someone out there who has thought about some means to put those who want to move to the liveaboard lifestyle -- all or part of the time -- in touch with other "mateless" ones who would consider the lifestyle hollow without a mate? One who has better computer skills than I and the time to serve as a catalyst. I'm hoping that somebody who reads this (it only takes one) will see some merit in this notion.

Mark (Craig)

<hr width=100% size=1>craigh1004


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21 Dec 2002
French Canals 2007 on, Hull most of winter. previo
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I have often wondered if there are any good stories resulting from all those 'personals' in YM from men with grand boats and honerable intentions, looking for a female sailing mate. Has anyone anything to tell?

My only one is second hand, about a fella who was offering 'sailing lessons in Greece and experience' in exchange for £150 for a week. Many long phone calls from her, equiped with a delicious voice, resulted in her turning up at the quayside. The fella thought he had 'struck gold' over the phone and that he might have to offer her a discount, based her generous nature.

At the quayside his dreams we shattered and squashed to pulp. She was a good 20 years his senior and a wizened dumpy squirt. He relaxed and said to himself that it was to be a commercial operation after all.

She made herself at home, after arguing about what was included in the fee. Making herslf at home included leaving all the lights on and draining the fresh water tank during her first shower. The following day she objected to paying for water to refilll the tank and also the fella's poor attitude.

He refunded her money and carried her case to the nearest hotel, her protesting that she could easily jump a different ship.

I met her later that week and she was frightening, even in daylight.

[Maybe she said the same about me].

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16 May 2001
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from time to time on this site someone posts an ad for crew which comes across as a lonely hearts ad. they generally seem to get a fair amount of flak for it (though who knows, they may get streams of eligible ladies sending PM's). the same happens on crew-finder websites, anyone posting this type of message usually gets flamed as a dirty old man.

given the stigma of advertising for a partner, is anyone prepared to admit it and tell us the results???

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1 Mar 2004
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I'm more than happy to research this; strictly on behalf of the forum.

Any babes, under 40, with boat over 40, would like to pm.


<hr width=100% size=1>my opinion is complete rubbish, probably.


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22 Oct 2001
Millbrook Cornwall UK
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Any Babes.. must like painting.... And making coffee, sharpening chisels, Cutting dowels, making coffee, caulking, sanding (and more painting), making coffee, Fetching things, make coffee when you get back... smiling appropriatly when things look good and taking the blame when things dont go as planned.

Maybe I'll have better luck when the boats done.....LOL

<hr width=100% size=1>www.victorious.co.uk


9 Mar 2004
SW Scotland
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Sorry matey... I just don't see it working. I'd think that 95% of those reading these Forums either already has a boat or is in the process of getting one...(one way or another). Doesn't it then follow that they're unlikely to want to shack up with someone who also has (or nearly has) their own boat. Besides....who'd be the skipper!!
On top of that....
I venture to suggest that most readers are ..erm.. ...well.. not in the first flush of youth. Hence.... not exactly prime candidates.
er....think I'll stop here.....
I can definately feel the water getting hotter!!

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Well-known member
2 Sep 2001
Me - Zumerzet Boat - Wareham
Re: who\'d be the skipper!!

You practically answered your own question - The one on top at the time /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

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23 Aug 2002
Friuli Venezia Giulia
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"not in the first flush of youth"... but to compensate, some forumites may well be flush!
Not me, though; I'm proud to be in my second flush of youth (not to be confused with my second childhood - I ain't that far down the road yet!)

<hr width=100% size=1>Adriatic links here: <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.comoy.com/saillinks.html>http://www.comoy.com/saillinks.html</A>


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9 Sep 2003
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If you are not the sort of chap who sees his boat as an opportunity to get away on your own or to get together with your mates, you will want a female partner on your boat with you so I can't see the point in regarding such desires as a point of ridicule with "lonely hearts" references.

I was lucky enough to get a good dose of sailing and boating when I was young and it has culminated in living on board Neutron Star. I have what some would consider an obsession towards pleasure boating and I am now old.

It is however not easy to find female company who can manage to live aboard for long even when they feel they want to initially irrespective of age.

Use of water and lack of space are primary issues as mentioned earlier in this topic. I keep boxes of wet wipes handy at the galley and the head, and I get through over one kitchen towel a week to compensate for the lack of mains supply. As retailing has been the life blood of the UK economy in recent years and we have responded by filling our houses up with far more items than we need. On a boat there simply is not the space to build up any items that don't have a direct use. I even have to deter my kids from buying cards at Xmas due to the lack of space to display them.

This type of issue has a corrosive effect on the fair sex and in time I find they get very bored, and long for the open high street and the expanse of a normal house. These icons of normality however never, in my opinion, produce the levels of happiness that are assumed when the sulks and confrontations set in.

It has been said that the height of a lady's heels are the manometer of her time in boating:

High = Sunny days in the first season
Med = A few weekends in the first season then sunny days in the first part of the second season
Low = 5 years at best with a bit of painting and tidying up
Flat = OK long term but the odd holiday & shopping trip as a carrot.

Even Bernard Motissier said that ladies need their patch of land and he managed to get one to sail round the horn with him!

So in reply I would say a move towards interfacing boat owners who live aboard with interested ladies must be a good idea, because its difficult to find one in the first place, and its only a matter of time before they get bored and you have to find another one!

You can certainly get some disappointments but as long as you remember that whatever happens its always your fault things can only get better.

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Steve Clayton

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22 May 2003
Benitachell - Spain
Reminds me of the joke re two ladies with all the right curves in all the right places discussing the merits of a certain male individual.

It goes; well, he's over 40, got a pot belly, going bald and has severe hallitosis.

and the other replies,

yes; but for a single man with a luxurious yacht I find him extremely attractive.

A bit similar to Mrs Merton quizzing Debbie McGee; "Now tell me Debbie, what first attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels?"

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5 Feb 2004
Pembrokeshire Wales
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Maybe we could set up an area for people who would like to get together and make freinds or to say where we are going to be and see if anyone else is around the same area and would like to meet up to socialise.
Something on the lines of -
Boat name, crew list, where berthed/cruising area and a note on what you are looking for ie someone to go walking with, explore ashore etc and a catagory could be 'sailing alone and looking for compaion' or looking for extra crew for a particular trip.
Whats anyone think?

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5 Aug 2003
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Yes I have and it was the best thing I could have done. I did not advertise in boating communities, but searched on the net.

There were lots to be discarded, one of my interest is riding off road motorcycle, one replied and I am trying to quote correctly " after being on a motor cycle my fanny feels like after a gang bang" so for a first reply I found that a bit crude and she got disqualified on this one.

Then I got one to be with me over x-mas 2002. I fetched her in Windhoek (400km) and decided to take her via the more scenic desert route (dirt roads and just a few farms (maybe 20 visible from the road) and no habitation for the last 140km.

Driving due west into the sunset, we usually stop at this blinding time. At 15 south the sun sets very quickly. I was informed: "I have to go to the ladies", well I said :"next to the car". She "but I cant do this , I have never done this". So I said:" I promise you if you dont do it voluntarily, you will do it anyway." So she did.

She drank a lot and I dont, it was a dream for her to get ouf of her managerial job, directorships etc. It would not have worked.

Today, my partner for almost two years now , makes wooden cleats, builts improvements for the galley, want's to sail with me to Antarctica, brought her own 200cc Honda off-road bike, made us replicas of sailors clothing, paints, fishes, lives with me on the boat, is an expert in camping (she had a safari company), is interest in anything (we take turns of reading the news to each other - there is no time for us to it read twice so we read to each other), helped me hang the rudder, I nearly dropped a 370 liter diesel tank on her, she got me back by hanging me upside down in cargo space (accidently because of a misunderdstanding)

We both agree, the way we prefer to live, the values we have, it would have been impossible to find each other, if we had not advertised. She was also looking actively for a partner.

Up to one year later I received mail, electronic and snail, there were phantastic personalities, one had an incredible amount of sailing experience, 44 years old and "NEEDED" to go to sea again. She was also very good looking, her problem was not finding a man, her problem was finding a man with a boat.

What I have learned, this may or may not be applicable to any one ot you, I found, that people from a city generally are no so very suitable for a rough (sailing) life style, I searched world wide and had offers from the USA, NZ, Austr. Brazil, Germany, plenty of Russian, some south african.

I would again do it, you can learn a lot about a person by corresponding, find out enough, especially as we are a liitle wiser (not to say older) it is easier to make the right choice. I would not advertise on a boating site and there are many reasons for that.

Having read the mail to her, she disagrees with the last about not advertising on the boating sites. She says I am discriminating and what she knows today, she would look at boating sites.

There you have it.

You could look in geocities.com/sailing_safari/ and follow the links, all this computer work is her effort.

Also, for a lady, to take that step, takes some initiative, and that is what you need on a boat when the chips are down.

That was my (rather personal) input to the matter,

regards ongolo

Sorry I am a little late to reply on this one, but I am busy

<hr width=100% size=1>1000 dream about it, 100 talk about it, 10 start and 1 completes it