My Wykeham Martin 3B top swivel is not performing and I am looking for advice on how to service it. When I have it to hand it is very free but obviously the problem is when it is under load, the sail does not furl or unfurl freely always leaving a section wrapped around the luff wire.
Firstly I need to dismantle it. I removed a grub screw which allowed me to start unscrewing a 5mm section. I guess as I unscrew the jaw should also be released and as I continue to unscrew the unit will come apart and everything will fall into the bilges! Problem is the jaw seems to be stuck. Perhaps it just needs pulling out as the screw unscrews.
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My Wykeham Martin 3B top swivel is not performing and I am looking for advice on how to service it. When I have it to hand it is very free but obviously the problem is when it is under load, the sail does not furl or unfurl freely always leaving a section wrapped around the luff wire.
Firstly I need to dismantle it. I removed a grub screw which allowed me to start unscrewing a 5mm section. I guess as I unscrew the jaw should also be released and as I continue to unscrew the unit will come apart and everything will fall into the bilges! Problem is the jaw seems to be stuck. Perhaps it just needs pulling out as the screw unscrews.
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