Windermere Anti speed limit bunch


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21 Jun 2003
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Its easy to cast judgement when your on the coast and have the option of planing speed....
For the record I dont think he was a forumite.
I was there and can report that a warden was floating about just outside Low wood ski school for ages. He got bored after an hour or so and decided to return to base for a brew (presumably) Within minutes of said warden beggering off ski boat pulls ski'er off jetty (you know one of them ultra cool starts were you dont even get your little piggies wet) oh my word my wife'y and I proclaimed what a cheeky chappie, we gesticulated at him but he must have thought we were waiving cos he waived and hollared back at us as he let go of the rope and ski'ed back within an inch or so of were he started. Dont you just hate posers.
Anyway jolly good show I say and long may he continue.



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6 Apr 2005
Newton Abbot, Devon, UK
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Sorry for delayed reply - been on the boat for a week!! I'm not casting judgement and feel lucky to be able to go as fast as I like for the most part. (30kn across Falmouth bay in the week) I just hope that the limit is overturned and you guys get the option of planing speed back. What has happened there is so unfair and should not have happened.

Like the pic of the skier though. I just hate those clever s*ds who get pulled off the jetty like that, the nearest I got to it was catching a warp for a bertholder close to me who nearly took me skiing through the marina one day if I hadn't let go quickly!! You know what they say about only using large bursts of power when you really need it!

Keep up the fight guys us coasters are right behind you.



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23 Aug 2009
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i am not condemning speeding on the lake. But if you speak nicely enough to the wardens they will tell you that, if you are sensible not causing a lot of wake or speeding excessively they will not bother about speeding.
this makes sense when you think that a RIB will make less wake when on the plane than at low speed.


1 Jul 2005
Nr Kendal
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Just to add a different angle, whilst enjoying a very pleasant picnic on VF on a rare sunny evening on Sat. the bit of noise was ;-

a) Dinghies from the larger yachts buzzing about at some considerable speed (looked great fun)
b) Messy oar strokes from a coxed 8 (quite a rarity)
c) 50,000 geese a cackling
d) Oh yes, the bloke with the bl***y compressor for all his dive tanks .....

Plus there are some VERY large motor yachts now, I guess they're cheaper than buying an estate hereabouts though.


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16 May 2001
South coast
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Supect that 99% of visiters to the area will not think the ban is pathetic,but rather a welcome relief from the 1% causing annoyance.Plenty of other bits of water to go to where they can make as much wash,noise etc as they want elsewhere.

Surely the exact opposite is true?

Plenty of other lakes you can go to if you don't want to see/hear boats going fast.

No other lakes to go to if you want to go fast in your boat.

This is the bit I most don't get, it's called the Lake District because there's lots of lakes surely? So why ban fast boats on the one and only lake that used to allow them?

Genuinely baffled by the decision.


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30 May 2001
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I took a trailer boat to windermere a few years back befor the speed limit. I wasn't the slightest bit annoyed by fast boats. I have to say the RAF planes overflying at high speed/low altitude made far, far more commotion.

I'm not into high speed boating but I can't stand intolerant, bossy banning of others' pleasure.


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6 Mar 2008
Under a cloud - its just started raining
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Seems to me the ban is not thought out clearly enough. A Displacement boat at hull speed throws a great deal of water about.

My planing hull soapdish makes double the wake at 10 knots as it does at 40 knots.

What's wrong with having a "transit zone" in the middle of the lake where people can do planing speeds and go places if they want, another set of zones for skiers or PWCs to hoon around and other boat boat skippers pass through with caution and places closer into shore where a six knot limit applies just the same as on the rivers.

All the noise/ wake / exhaust are well out of the twitchers way then and no one will bump into the bank at speed.

Are there marina places to be had on Windermere now? cos i'm sick of the river 6 knot limit, no open water and the marina i'm at is pretty much Windermere price.

Looking for a less boring place to keep the boat, even if it is further from home.