Why we left the Thames...................


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23 Sep 2002
The glorious South
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We had been boating on the Thames for more years than I care to remember but since the mid-1990s have spent several weeks a year 'over the other side' mainly in France , Belgium or Holland. It was mainly the time-cost of getting there, 2 days to Teddington, another day to Ramsgate, yet another to Nieweport and perhaps another 3 to Friesland, when we were going to North Holland that made us look at the prospect of keeping the boat over there. We eventually bit the bullet and have now spent three full seasons there. We go out in April to get the boat ready then live on board until September/October when we have the boat lifted and put away indoors for the winter. Although we still love the Thames (we were at the ATYC Rally at Henley on Sunday last) we have never regretted the decision to seek wider horizons and as a result, have enjoyed far more extensive waterways and much lower boating costs - indeed, I doubt very much we could afford to keep our current boat in the UK. We're having a year at home this year and are now planning to move to France and do much the same thing on the French inland waterways for the next 3-5 years. I've no doubt we will eventually return to the Thames (if we can afford it) but do have a slight concern that we might now find it just a bit too restricted. Mind you, I shall be so old by then I shall probably be past caring. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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1 May 2006
Why we like being on the thames

We live 2 minutes walk away from our mooring

we can potter about for a couple of hours a few times a week

we can go for a days adventures up or downstream tide permitting

we often go for a quick pint at the barmys at twickers or to richmond for food etc no worries about parking etc and a nice view on the way there and back

we see and meet lots of friendly people on our travels

It gets us away from the stresses of modern life

just a few reasons but hey ho we are lucky to be here in Isleworth


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18 Jun 2001
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we were at Penton Hook and loved it. I just got fed up with the delays outside the locks, one Bank holiday we waited almost 90 minutes to get through, I love it at sea, don't think I would ever go back. Might house boat it one day tho


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19 Sep 2005
Hampshire UK
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Re: Why we like being on the thames

Wish we were as close /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif but I agree we are 45 mins by car from our mooring - it overlooks Windsor castle and backs onto a golf course, has a great stretch of grassed area and a BBQ and some of the nicest people you could meet moored along with us. Swmbo and I absolutely love life on the river and so do the kids - no play stations, computers or TV but BBQ's tree climbing, nature and stress free (well until you overheat the engine) its great to do something together as a family and see the kids doing and enjoying the simple things that cost nothing and educates them at the same time. I must be getting old I sound like my dad /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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13 Mar 2002
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Re: Why we like being on the thames

Chicheter Harbour, pontoon mooring £1400pa, water alternate weekends, up tp 60 minutes journey on busy summer Saturdays. Boat used <x1 per month
Club at Sunbury, pontoon mooring £550pa, water 24/7, up to 75 minutes journey on busy summer Saturdays. Boat used most weekends March-Oct.


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19 Sep 2005
Hampshire UK
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Re: Why we like being on the thames


Not sure how new - we only got the boat last year but she was there already then. They are Tom Jones Moorings, just below Romney lock about 6-8 boats there on the right hand side as you go up river - the railway bridge is up from us and down stream in view is Victoria Bridge? I think its called just before you hit the Crown Estates land. Train noise no problem - on flight path but we soon got used to them. we love it there.

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