Why do we do it??


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16 May 2001
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There is a saying that if you dont like someone introduce them to sailing. If you really hate them buy them a yacht.

Yachts are usually a terrible investment,expensive to keep and difficult to sell.

Having lots of access to sailing other peoples boats I went boatless for a short while about 5 years ago.It was a nightmare, no mooring fees no worrying in storms and no maintenance to do .I cracked after about 6 months and bought our present boat.

Why do we do it?Does antifoul and varnish contain deeply addictive chemicals or are we all just mad??

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10 Nov 2003
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Must be the exemplary qualities we find in other sailors we meet when out on the water. Or is it just being away from all the mundain features of 'normal' life. Mind you, the Solent on a fine summer weekend is getting to be like a marine equivalent of the M25, so why do we do it? 'Tis fun though!

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11 Oct 2002
Home in Chilterns, Boat in Southampton, Another bo
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Re: My life is perfect

I have enough money, a steady fun marriage, good kids, a nice house and lots of shiney stuff.

So that I appreciate the bounty I have, periodically I either pay a yard bill so large that it would make NASA blush, for something quite mundane or worse I go sailing.

I suppose I could take up golf or flagelation but real men sail.

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Sans Bateau

Well-known member
19 Jan 2004
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Re: My life is perfect

Then there are the alternatives: visitng relatives at the weekend, sitting in a traffic jam in July on the A33/M4/M1/M or A anything. Then, worse than that you could always drag a caravan all the way down to the West Country for the Bank Holiday, only to find yourself pitched next to someone with a Ford Granada. Or stay at home and listen to the children next door kill one another, need I continue. Personaly I would loose the will to live if that was 'the weeked'

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