My boats got a daft name. But I got to like it. Just before I was going to changed it. Probably because he said he was keeping it for himself and nowbody could use it!!! Any way my excuse is. It's far to big to change!! I could not afford the paint!!
No one can force me to come here-----------
----- I'm a Volunteer!!!
I'll try and tell you. It was called Meekathara when I bought it. its named after a town in the middle of the Northern Territories of Australia. Some one said there was a song about it. Theres an artical in MBY some years ago, about a trip it did to Brittainy. Have not read it though. I hated the name at first but then it just grew on me.
No one can force me to come here-----------
----- I'm a Volunteer!!!
Haydn, don't wnat to put a dampener on your theories. I have a friend the is a native of Australia, read that as Abo, thats his nick name as well. Anyhow back to the plot. "Meekatharra" is what they crie whan they need the loo after a good session round the campfire. Basically, the rough translation is " Me ar** is on fire!
Wha'dya mean "I'm always playing with this engine" its the only way to get it to run!
Can you tell I'm bored.....can ya. Waiting aboot for prospective buyer sent from the broker is bloody boring. Git better turn up, took the day orf work for this.
Yep same here. Waiting for the confuser man to come and mend new confuser, wot blew up. Also nursing big absess on bum!!!......./forums/images/icons/frown.gif
<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue>No one can force me to come here.<font color=red> I'm a volunteer!!.<font color=blue>
Shows how bored I am. Theres a boat called Pheaton. Searched for the meaning and came up with this.
The son of the sun-god Helios. When Phaeton ("the shining one") finally learned who his father was, he went east to meet him. He induced his father to allow him to drive the chariot of the sun across the heavens for one day. The horses, feeling their reins held by a weaker hand, ran wildly out of their course and came close to the earth, threatening to burn it. Zeus noticed the danger and with a thunderbolt he destroyed Phaeton. He fell down into the legendary river Eridanus where he was found by the river nymphs who mourned him and buried him. The tears of these nymphs turned into amber. For the Ethiopians however it was already too late: they were scorched by the heat and their skins had turned black.
there is a fresco of Phaeton and the nymphs on the Ducal Summer Palace in Mantua. it was painted by one of MichaelAngello's pupils.
god i know sime dull stuff.
but i woud reccomend the palace. it was summer palace of the dukes of mantua until 1707when the austrians arrived and took over.
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=red>if guinness is good for you. i must be very very good</font color=red>
A friend bought a Targa 28 called "Bubsy" - he could not live with the name, so he renamed the boat .................."Trumpton".... and one of the noisiest and smokiest motor boats in our marina is aptly called "Armageddon"