Well-known member
Whats your share holding in this stuff Depsol? Modern fuels are carefully balanced to give the best possible results in an incredibly wide range of engines. Similarly lubricating oils. Additives will only detract from engine performance UNLESS the specific engine requires a specific alteration in fuel - the best known example being the differenc between leaded and unleaded - which is not just the different tax rates in UK!
Look at the chemical composition of diesel or petrol or lubricating oils, then at the so called 'additives' and I guarantee that most of the chemicals are already present in the fuel, and in the optimum proportions. Those that are not already present, are almost certainly undesirable and adversely affecting the engine in some way, even if they seem to offer short term benefits!
The only fuel addtive that should be used is 2 stroke oil in a 2T outboard - and then be careful to use the correct marine grade, not motorcycle oil which may actually cause damage, and will certainly stop the average marine outboard dead quite quickly with a fouled or whiskered plug - because of the different formulation and additives!
And worn or faulty injectors will remain worn or faulty until replaced, injecting too much fuel in a poor spray pattern, possibly even releasing raw unatomised fuel into the cylinder.
Additives may reduce the smoke output resulting from incorrect carburation, but will NOT, repeat NOT do anything for the engine, its injectors, or the increased level of pollution in the exhaust. And I really dont care about the difference between any manufacturers claim for an additive that can 'help' or fix' worn or damaged engines. There is only one FIX or HELP possible - replace the worn parts, and bring the engine back to the designers specs so that it runs properly.
Also additives may well affect the lubrication and operation of your expensive injector pump which depends entirely on the fuel for efficient lubrication.
Look at the chemical composition of diesel or petrol or lubricating oils, then at the so called 'additives' and I guarantee that most of the chemicals are already present in the fuel, and in the optimum proportions. Those that are not already present, are almost certainly undesirable and adversely affecting the engine in some way, even if they seem to offer short term benefits!
The only fuel addtive that should be used is 2 stroke oil in a 2T outboard - and then be careful to use the correct marine grade, not motorcycle oil which may actually cause damage, and will certainly stop the average marine outboard dead quite quickly with a fouled or whiskered plug - because of the different formulation and additives!
And worn or faulty injectors will remain worn or faulty until replaced, injecting too much fuel in a poor spray pattern, possibly even releasing raw unatomised fuel into the cylinder.
Additives may reduce the smoke output resulting from incorrect carburation, but will NOT, repeat NOT do anything for the engine, its injectors, or the increased level of pollution in the exhaust. And I really dont care about the difference between any manufacturers claim for an additive that can 'help' or fix' worn or damaged engines. There is only one FIX or HELP possible - replace the worn parts, and bring the engine back to the designers specs so that it runs properly.
Also additives may well affect the lubrication and operation of your expensive injector pump which depends entirely on the fuel for efficient lubrication.