White ensign on a "ordinary" yacht


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14 Apr 2008
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Re: White ensign on a \"ordinary\" yacht

Yes, I remember that the Royal Yacht was 'supposed' to be a hospital ship but when the Falklands kicked off it wasn't used as one and the 'Uganda' (I think) ended up being the hospital ship. It wasn't long after that that it ceased to be the Royal Yacht anymore and I wonder if it was due to the Royal family not letting the RN use it as a hospital ship during the Falklands. It certainly was strange that it wasn't used as this was the main defence of it being there for the Royal family at the tax payers expense and manned by RN crew. Admittedly though I'm filling in the blanks with guesses. But it is a fact that the defence of it being paid for by us was that it would be a hospital ship if war began and fact that when war did break out it wasn't used as a hospital ship and not long after that it was de-commissioned.


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Re: White ensign on a \"ordinary\" yacht

It was noting to do with the Royal Family 'not letting' it be used for the Falklands Campaign. It was never HM's property and HM would never in effect be in a position to say no if the RN wanted to take it.
She didn't go as I recall at the time because technology had moved on and her boilers used a type of fuel that none of the other ships used - so it would have meant having to take her own personal fuel supply 1000's of miles to keep her on station for only a limited patient carrying capacity benefit.
She was also in need of a refit which probably had more to do with the decision to pension her off.


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15 Mar 2002
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Re: White ensign on a \"ordinary\" yacht

The ex-Royal 'Yacht' Britannia (actually a RN Hospital Ship for naval purposes) did fly the white ensign, She is now a tourist attraction on Clydeside and probably flies the McDonalds logo

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Wrong side of the country. Britannia is berthed at Leith (by Edinburgh) on the Firth of Forth.


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Re: White ensign on a \"ordinary\" yacht

'It wasn't long after that that it ceased to be the Royal Yacht anymore '

She actually saw a further 15 years service as a Royal Yacht before being decommisioned.... that is actually quite a long period of time by navy ship standards, longer than some of the later designs of warship built for the navy's total service lives. She was converted to burn deisel fuel in her 1984 refit and between 1991 -95 alone she earned an estimated £3 billion for the exchequer via commercial days hosted aboard her, so she wasn't quite as bad for the public purse as some would like to make out.


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14 Apr 2008
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Re: White ensign on a \"ordinary\" yacht

She was certainly magnificent. I visited an MEM friend onboard in 1980 and he showed me the engine room which was gleaming. Pity for such a ship to be pensioned off. Interesting stuff about the fuel. What sort of fuel was it?


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3 Jul 2002
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Re: White ensign on a \"ordinary\" yacht

Without wishing to throw petrol on the flames, does anyone know what sort of ensign is worn by the pleasure yacht sailed by HRH Princess Anne, the Princess Royal, the well known pharologist, yachtswoman and badger disliker, and her husband Admiral Timothy Laurence?

One might imagine they would be rather spoilt for choice.

[/ QUOTE ]I can confirm that they still have their yacht. From memory they fly a blue ensign. I am afraid I can't remember if it is a defaced blue or not.

I can't get my mind round why people get such a hang up over boats wearing the correct ensign. It’s not hard to understand what to wear and why. Furthermore, I can't understand why people have a further hang up over Blue ensigns etc. We fly a blue ensign because I am in the RNSA. It’s nothing to do with snobbery, but a privilege that I am proud of.

If you think the ensign is unimportant, try telling a French sailor that his Tricolour is dated and passé... Even the lowliest French boat wears a Tricolour (usually old and faded), and I was told that it’s a legal requirement but can't quote chapter and verse of French law on the subject.


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13 Jul 2008
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Re: White ensign on a \"ordinary\" yacht

I can't get my mind round why people get such a hang up over boats wearing the correct ensign.

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Because they're insecure about their (lack of) talent for sailing and use flag etiquette pedantry to compensate?

(Typo sorted)


Well-known member
3 Jul 2002
At sea somewhere.
Re: White ensign on a \"ordinary\" yacht

I can't get my mind round why people get such a hang up over boats wearing the correct ensign.

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Because they're insecure about their (lack of) talent for sailing and use flag ettiquet pedantry to compensate?

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I think you've reversed my meaning - my apologies if I was ambiguous. What I meant was 'I can't understand why people can't simply follow flag etiquette and wear the correct ensign on their boat?' Its not pedantry to use the correct etiquette.

It would be pedantic of me to suggest that users try and spell correctly?

It’s not a question of pedantry to both try and obey the law and follow the traditions of the sea.

There seems to be a reverse snobbery on these forums at times, in which people who have the honour to be allowed to wear a blue ensign are denigrated and considered targets for snide remarks. People rejoice when we make mistakes and lampoon our efforts. The reality is that we are all sailors just like anyone else. Those of us who have blue ensigns sometimes make mistakes and sometimes we sail well. Just the same as those who sail with red ensigns or any other.

Anyway, this is beginning to sound pompous and God forbid that I should start sounding like a pompous old so and so! As I tried to say in the first place, I just don't understand why people can't get the ensign thing right and be proud of our maritime heritage with all its rights and privileges and variations.


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13 Jul 2008
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Re: White ensign on a \"ordinary\" yacht

What I meant was 'I can't understand why people can't simply follow flag etiquette and wear the correct ensign on their boat?'

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Personally it's rare I see a boat that doesn't display the right flag, maybe you're oversensitive to it? (In fact the biggest flag transgressors are the many blue flaggies who view their club flags as optional.)

If there are people who can't be bothered with their Ensigns I suspect it's for the same reason that they don't obey other laws and other traditions.

Or maybe they're so used to people making up laws on the internet that they assume all legislation is fiction.


19 Jan 2015
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Without wishing to throw petrol on the flames, does anyone know what sort of ensign is worn by the pleasure yacht sailed by HRH Princess Anne, the Princess Royal, the well known pharologist, yachtswoman and badger disliker, and her husband Admiral Timothy Laurence?

Ballochbuie RYS (Rustler 44):

The Q

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5 Jan 2022
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it's unfortunately becoming more and more common to see the White Ensign and the RAF Ensign 1661934060748.png
being flown on Broads Hire boats.
Only once have I seen the RAF ensign being flown correctly on the Broads as IIRC a retired Air Commodore (or above) can fly the Ensign.. and there was one for a while on the broads..

Both the white and RAF are often being flown by junior ranks , with a large amount of alcohol involved..

I find it a shame you can buy these ensigns on Ebay when they mean so much more to many...

Spirit (of Glenans)

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Re: White ensign on a \"ordinary\" yacht

If you read the merchant shipping act part 1, section 2,para 3, you will find that your statement that 'the red ensign is the only legal ensign outside of British Waters' is completely wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]I stand corrected. I had my information from a fellow British cruiser that I had no reason to doubt, but when I now check the data I find that I was wrong and you were right.

That doesn't take away my fascination with your strange British rules with multiple ensigns, national and regional. Many other of the main European nations are now using the EU flag as their ensign. My guess is that the British will first evolve through a period of regional English, Scottish, Welsh, Cornish, etcetera, (which has clearly already started) before following the rest of Europe with the EU flag. You are always the last to join, but you usually do. Might take a hundred years, though.....
There is a large quantity of worms in this can?


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6 Jul 2018
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When I have seen her it has been the ensign for the RYS - white.
I used to crew for a vice-commodore of the RYS and I'm sure we flew the Red Ensign. It was only used though on the few occasions when we had to retire from a race. Maybe the White would have been inappropriate when used for that purpose?