New member
This post is written with genuine concern about a regular on this site who hasn't been seen around for ages. I have an interest in Ongolo because he introduced me to the love of my life, and for this I will be eternally grateful.
The last I heard, he was heading to Jo'burg, not one of the safest places on the planet, and since then I haven't seen hide nor hair of him on this site, a site that he used to visit with daily regularity.
This is a genuine post that hopes to find Ongolo safe and sound, whether it be on land or upon the open sea.
The last I heard, he was heading to Jo'burg, not one of the safest places on the planet, and since then I haven't seen hide nor hair of him on this site, a site that he used to visit with daily regularity.
This is a genuine post that hopes to find Ongolo safe and sound, whether it be on land or upon the open sea.