Where have all the boats come from?


Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Word on the street is that marinas on the Clyde and the west of Scotland generally are chock-a-block this year. In another thread someone says that west country marinas in England are similarly packed out. So ... where have all these boats come from? Are there deserted swathes of the coastline where the marinas and moorings are empty? Have huge numbers of boats been returned from the EU?


Well-known member
3 Feb 2004
Boat (over winters in) the Clyde
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Yes, very busy already and it’s only just mid June.
Whilst people talk about lots of boats which rarely leave their marina berths (probably people who work and have families, limiting time afloat), there are others with the luxury of more time to go extensive cruising in the summer - who probably make up the most of the boats now cruising actively in Scottish waters. As the absolute numbers in most years is quite small (you tend to seee the same boats regularly), it only takes a small increase to make a huge impact.
This year’s crowd includes:
- boats who would normally sail the UK South coast and Channel, which was crowded last year, trying to come further north to escape the crowds (!)
- boats who would usually cruise from the UK to the Baltic, Netherlands, France, Spain, Ireland etc - but cannot this year
- boats which have been brought back from the EU specifically this year (often by truck or delivery crews) to save their UK VAT status
- some foreign boats which have been nomads stuck in Scotland for a year now, moving from anchorage to anchorage unable to return to their own countries
With most Scottish pontoons (outside Clyde and Oban area) typically having only a tiny number of visitor berths (often less than 10), it only takes a tiny percentage of the other UK long term cruising boats to divert and the impact will be huge.

Hope we don’t have any BIG storms this summer (I have experienced three F10 during the core sailing season over the years), as most boats are going to have to try to ride out any gales on their anchors, and not sure that will be fun (or how many are equipped with the gear for this, as will probably end up boats having to anchor in 20m plus to find space).


Well-known member
16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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Having just been sailing for over 2 weeks on the East Coast, I was surprised at the activity from all forms of boating. Most marinas had limited space, but could still take a few visitors. In some areas moorings were full, but elsewhere there were definitely unused moorings as any strops were covered in weed. The number of boats still ashore was vast. Not all of them were in a poor state of repair, but if some of these were to re-enter the water there may be a mooring crisis. The only marina that had plenty of berths was Lowestoft Haven, not the best access as a bridge has to be opened hourly or less and a 2 mile trip through docks to get there (4 knot speed limit). Weekends in all places were far busier than mid week, which meant some places like Brightlingsea had plenty of space mid week but turned people away at the previous weekend. So only visit the popular places mid week if you want an easy life and anchor over weekends.


Well-known member
4 Jan 2005
Me - Edinburgh; Boat - in the west
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Over the years I have done my best to discourage sassenachs from venturing north but you lot keep posting unrepresentative pictures of sun, calm seas, cloud capped mountains and idyllic anchorages to offset my efforts. Last week any of the visitors actually sailing will have experienced mean winds around the low teens with gusts into the 30s, the unseasonal sunny season has ended and June's rainy season, though a bit late this year has started. After the unusual warmth the culicoides impunctatus have proliferated and are now seeking blood. Frequent radio check requests now pollute our airways.
Unfortunately, the recent spell of southerlies has not helped.


Well-known member
4 Jun 2007
Home: North West, Boat: The Clyde
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Over the years I have done my best to discourage sassenachs from venturing north...........
Fortunately, we ignore you, but we promise not to tell others ?

Last week any of the visitors actually sailing will have experienced mean winds around the low teens with gusts into the 30s,
It was indeed pretty lively at times ?

Frequent radio check requests now pollute our airways.
Other than CG and HM, never heard a single vhf exchange.

I’ve just enjoyed a week on my boat with a couple of pals and we saw very little recreational sailing activity. Also, no problem with getting a berth in marinas. To the credit of all locals, everyone was taking CV precautions but pubs and restaurants were busy.

Not a single midge in sight, either ?


Well-known member
30 May 2001
North from the Nab about 10 miles
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Many boats, some in New ownership that had maybe been largely unused in recent years, coupled with the inability to go abroad. Not surprised. It's the same in the caravan/motorhome industry. Campsites are filling up rapidly. Caravan motorhome sales gone through the roof. Staycations mean lots of people making the best of it in the UK, and many boats now being the main holiday resource. Cornwall was "full" last year, and it can only get busier!


Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Yes, very busy already and it’s only just mid June.
Whilst people talk about lots of boats which rarely leave their marina berths (probably people who work and have families, limiting time afloat), there are others with the luxury of more time to go extensive cruising in the summer - who probably make up the most of the boats now cruising actively in Scottish waters. As the absolute numbers in most years is quite small (you tend to seee the same boats regularly), it only takes a small increase to make a huge impact.

I get the impression that the pressure is coming from new resident boats (maybe just fr this year, of course) rather than visitors, yet.

This year’s crowd includes:
- boats who would normally sail the UK South coast and Channel, which was crowded last year, trying to come further north to escape the crowds (!)

In that case, where have those boats filling up the west country come from? This isn't an attempt to be contentious - I'm just curios. Is the Solent quieter than usual, for example?

- boats who would usually cruise from the UK to the Baltic, Netherlands, France, Spain, Ireland etc - but cannot this year

They'd still be resident apart from teh cruis, wouldn't they?

Many boats, some in New ownership that had maybe been largely unused in recent years, coupled with the inability to go abroad. Not surprised. It's the same in the caravan/motorhome industry. Campsites are filling up rapidly. Caravan motorhome sales gone through the roof. Staycations mean lots of people making the best of it in the UK, and many boats now being the main holiday resource. Cornwall was "full" last year, and it can only get busier!

But where have these boats been while largely unused? Perhaps lots of boats are in the water which were effectively abandoned ashore.


Well-known member
21 Nov 2011
Boat in Milford Haven
But where have these boats been while largely unused? Perhaps lots of boats are in the water which were effectively abandoned ashore.

Yes, exactly that I think. They've been forsaken at the back of a yard or on some distant mooring for a decade before making their way to a marina near you via eBay or similar.

One pulled onto a pontoon next to me a couple of weeks ago that looked like it hadn't come far (say about 20 metres, vertically). The Angle RNLI brought it in and they are very very busy around Milford right now.


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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Does not seem the same here in Poole. I was out yesterday and was surprised by the lack of activity. Same last week. Only half a dozen boats anchored in South Deep. and about the same in Blood Alley. Only one yacht came through the Haven while I was there despite being a late afternoon favourable flood tide.

The only thing of note was the number of empty moorings - not our club because there is a limit of 10 boats at a time out of the water in the summer, but other club moorings and commercial ones. This has been a trend in recent years, even though the number of marina berths has been largely static for 10 years or so, and mostly owned by clubs so always full with members' boats.


Well-known member
8 Apr 2007
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Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Does not seem the same here in Poole. I was out yesterday and was surprised by the lack of activity. Same last week. Only half a dozen boats anchored in South Deep. and about the same in Blood Alley. Only one yacht came through the Haven while I was there despite being a late afternoon favourable flood tide.
You may just have answered my question ...