I was misguided enough to buy a set of kit from Stowe during their last hours - teh Dataline X system. The echosounder repeater never worked, from the day it left the box, and I have just been quoted £292 for a replacement, cos Stowe are out of business and the folks who bought the stock want, not unreasonably, to turn a penny.
The experience has left a bad taste in my mouth so far as gadgetry is concerned.
I don't want NMEA or whatever; I don't want to "interface" it with other gubbins, cos I go sailing, I don't go computing.
I want a REALLY reliable, "bullet proof", echo sounder and log; windspeed and direction and VMG would be nice. Other gubbins I do not require.
The B&G stuff that posh yots had in the days of my youth did all this, and never went wrong.
I want some.
Anyone know if anyone deals in it?
The experience has left a bad taste in my mouth so far as gadgetry is concerned.
I don't want NMEA or whatever; I don't want to "interface" it with other gubbins, cos I go sailing, I don't go computing.
I want a REALLY reliable, "bullet proof", echo sounder and log; windspeed and direction and VMG would be nice. Other gubbins I do not require.
The B&G stuff that posh yots had in the days of my youth did all this, and never went wrong.
I want some.
Anyone know if anyone deals in it?