where am i????



i need (ok want!) a gps, i would love a colour chart plotter with gps. but that would mean no fuel for next season!
so in the real world i need a waterproof unit (open cock pit/ north of scot.)
and i would prefere a fixed unit with a clear display. thus keeping my hands on the throttles and wheel when going from wave to wave.
have seen the "MLR FX312" in the ybw marine store, what do you think of this make, and is the unit any good?
any alternitave unit you can recomend,
rembering my boat is a petrol so unlike diesel owners i need most of my coins for fuel!


Active member
21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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Fixed is good but if it is out in the open, a handheld mounted on a stand (option at time of purchase) may be more appropriate.

I like the Garmin 128 (fixed unit), mainly because I understand it, is simple to operate, and has a good sized display. It can be mounted on a bracket (supplied) so is still removable.

Not sure if any are waterproof, but I am sure you could make/ buy a clear cover to put over it.

I too fancied a nice colour plotter but the wife got all upset when I told her it was £2k more expensive!


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: get colour

IMHO colour is miles better than BW. The info gets from the plotter to your brain much faster, esp in a fast bouncing boat. You can get colour for under £1000 eg the Navman is £799 and better still the Simrad CP32 is £850. And these take CMap charts which are much better than the GCharts that Garmin use.

I believe the cheapest BW are £400ish so it is an extra £450 for colour, but well worth it IMHO. You can hardly read a BW in poor light with droplets of spray on it etc etc, whereas reading colour is easy. The Simrad is very waterproof too.


Re: nah, get the cheap stuff

Jfm is forgetting that you live in scottlieland where they don't have disbursements of more than a tenner. The First Minister is having a massive investigation over 9 poxy grand that he didn't even spend on himself, which would only buy about half a day of London-style consultancy, once paid for the lunch and flights to Italy of course.

So best get the cheapest. Handheld allow you to takem home, and hidem when it gets very very rainy, as opposed to just a bit rainy the rest of the time.