Where’s La Vagabonde on the Algarve?


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25 Jan 2020
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Possibly true but I would hate anybody to commit to the yard in Villa Real before taking a very close look-see.

That said, we like Ayamonte Marina and town but only for a short visit to stay with the family (who are not boaters) before proceeding up river the to Alcoutim or on our return back down the river.

Not sure where S-L gets his cheap large gins?
That place in the square... Bombay Saphire... they just fill the glass till you say when! Truth is I can not remember how much they cost because I was drinking with a racing boat from the Hamble who decided to have a spin down to Ayamonte before sailing home. We went there maybe five or six times!


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25 Jan 2020
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I wouldn't waste your time discussing it. Star-Lord is always right. In his own mind.
I always think I am right until I am not! I am more than willing to alter or change my views when given more information or hearing a different POV.

For instance I have come to accept the UK's policy of herd immunity that I call herd slaughter. No.10 is going about it in a very British way. Very cold and calculated. I admire and understand that. At first I thought it was the wrong move. But it is a move with merit. It's a move a Lanister would do! Real Game of Thrones stuff. Totally ruthless. I am glad I am not in the UK.


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24 May 2012
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You asked me what my favourite marina was in the Algarve and I said I liked Ayamonte. It was a sly answer because I do not want to offend people who like Algarve marinas. I prefer the West coat.

Ayamonte has no facilities, no fuel, no lift out, no yard, yada, yada, yade! Yes I know. You are correct! Obviously I look for different thing in a marina. I look for location and beauty. The most beautiful marina in the Algarve is opposite Ayamonte. And I like looking at it at night when it is all lit up. It looks magnificent.

You have to realize everyone's idea of paradise is different. One mans paradise is another man's hell. For me the best part of Portugal is on the West coast. For example.. between Sines and Cascais is stunning. I could sail up and down the Tagus for ever. Alcantara marina is a dump LOL but the bar where I drink has this view... Okah Rooftop Lisbon is splendid. And sophisticated. And a lot of fun!

You want to debunk my post!!!! Why would you even think of doing that? I have not mentioned the name of any boatyard or marina in the Algarve but if someone asked me for recommendations I would probably recommend the same as you.

P.S. It has just occurred to me after reading your post again that you think my favourite yard is in VRdSA. I do not know how you came to that conclusion. All I can think of is that La Vagabond is there? I texted the best boatyard in the Algarve and asked them to send me a picture of La Vagabond and they sent me two pictures. I assumed they came from the best boat yard in the Algarve because the best boatyard in the Algarve sent me the pictures! If La Vagabond is in fact in VRdSA yard then they are not in the best boatyard in the Algarve. They will however have made a very interesting choice. They would be in a most beautiful town and enjoying it immensely. And if they were there I would understand completely why!

Sorry, I do not have the interest or energy to continue in these silly word games.


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25 Jan 2020
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Sorry, I do not have the interest or energy to continue in these silly word games.
You really are a very interesting person! This was your exact response when we were discussing the need for a TL2. You huff and puff and blow away. So funny?
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25 Jan 2020
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La Vagabond is in the best boatyard in Portugal, not VRsSA Obviously!


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25 Jan 2020
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You can not deny what I said. You come in trying to set me straight like the thought police and when I explain to you that you are wrong or mistaken or you have just plainly got the wrong end of the stick you blow away into thin air like a puff of smoke. This is the second time you have done so. It is a very childish strategy annd very, very amusing! Why on earth you feel the need to communicate with me is a mystery. I could analyse it obviously, but I am not as mean spirited as you are. I am happy to talk to you in my mental health thread if you wish.


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26 Jun 2013
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Boys n girls, the world is in meltdown and it's like bickering teenagers in some threads. Maybe do every one a favour, if you can't post something nice with good manners then just don't hit the button. Walk around the room a few times before clicking then reread, if it isn't written in a pleasent non confrontational way then either delete or edit til it is.
If you can't be nice then do everyone a favour and don't post, even if someone else did. Cut the thread, it's not that hard and you'll make the world a tiny little bit better.
Please be nice, its really not so hard. ❤️


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19 Nov 2019
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You can not deny what I said. You come in trying to set me straight like the thought police and when I explain to you that you are wrong or mistaken or you have just plainly got the wrong end of the stick you blow away into thin air like a puff of smoke. This is the second time you have done so. It is a very childish strategy annd very, very amusing! Why on earth you feel the need to communicate with me is a mystery. I could analyse it obviously, but I am not as mean spirited as you are. I am happy to talk to you in my mental health thread if you wish.
Oi! Its the live aboard forum, not the lounge! Stuff like this not welcome here!