Stowed when in clear water, usually outside the anchorage/harbour and before lifting main.
As I'm single-handed the boat's on autopilot whilst fenders and warps are stowed, main lifted and bearing to destination or waypoint set up and sails trimmed.
With crew on board I'd get everything stowed immediately on leaving lock and unless it was windless I'd have the main up as well.
By myself, unless the channel was clear I'd wait until I'd cleared the piles.
You are close enough, Tom, 'nuff said. As for pillow talk, the matter was 'raised' on another post - as spotted by Donald (very astute) - or I wouldn't have mentioned it. (honest!)
<hr width=100% size=1>It's frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
The witness has stated on the string entitled "Point in favour of Benneteau - GlenRosa to be precise" and I quote...
"If he doesn't pay more attention to where he is going, he will need one sooner rather than later !!
Sorry, Can't say any more than that - I promised !! "
Refering to the accused apparent interest in procuring a new boat
It is clearly evident that the witness is withholding evidence.
Would someone please apply a Chinese burn to the witness'till he spills the bean?
Blimey, haven't you lot got any work to do? Its like everybody is becoming Inspector Poirot (couldn't remember how to spell Clueseau !!) all of a sudden.
It was a very minor touching of a pile whilst stowing fenders - nothing more than that.
Whilst I've been having some fun with Jimi in public, as is my warped sense of humour, I am genuinely grateful for his assistance in moving our boat so will be suffering from amnesia from here on.
<hr width=100% size=1>It's frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
I flip mine over the rail to lie in the scuppers, and sometimes they're still there when I get back! If I'm going a distance of course I bung them in the locker.
However being an old lifeboat I don't have to work around the deck like wot you sailors do.
Acshully I have the gift of second sight hence my prescient interest in Sadlers .. I can confirm Beneteaus are very robust and bounce quite well! However I can also confirm that neither of the two insurance quotes I'll be getting will be from Lancaster. Accidents happen & GR is only suffering cosmetic damage so hopefully there wo'nt be any loss of sailing time as a consequence!