What's your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?


Well-known member
7 Jan 2005
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What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

We have experienced problems on our new boat of the Bow stuffing into moderate swells and throwing wave after wave over the top.
I blamed it on the amount of gear the wife had managed to cram into the front cabin and GALLEY !

We set to and spent all day moving weight aft.

Sea Trial, still found Bow too low. then I realized the Trim Tabs were wired ' Back to Front ' and ' Upside Down', we had been more miles than I care to admit with the Trim Tabs full down.

Of course I told the wife the skip load of tat we took off had made all the difference. /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


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26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

Don't think this qualifies as a cock-up. You have removed mounds of SWMBO's junk from the boat, and managed to blame her for a minor technical misunderstanding on your part.

I'd call that a result! :)


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22 Apr 2005
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Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

Traveling out of Great Yarmouth Harbour and having spoken to the harbour master on VHF, I was distracted by the noise of my wife being sick somewhere in the cabin below..(yes she even gets sick in the harbour). I lifted my head having checked to make sure she was ok to see a very large "BRIGHT ORANGE" RNLI Lifeboat doing a quick U turn infront of me.... What I had not spotted in my haste to get out to sea, was the 3 RED lights above the harbour masters office. Not a mistake I shall be making again.

(now what was that word the man on the radio said..... *#@#** ! )


4 May 2004
London & Cape Town
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Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

This happened to buddy of mine..

Picture a diminutive Scotsman from Glasgow, living in Ireland. Doesn't take life too seriously, and very very funny .

Moves over to Cobh, and decides he would like a boat, so off he trots and eventually purchases a Fisher 25 Motorsailor.

So he's very keen to go sailing but never really done much boating, but thinks that this is easy isn't too much to it. Don't need to worry about sails yet, just start the engine and potter around. So on a fine flat calm sunny morning he starts up the engine, unties from the dock and begins slowly moving forward...

Oh christ thinks he.. this thing is none too powerful... I bet the engine's shagged! So he gives it full throttle and the old girl every so slowly moves on..

Now as he's never been boating before, he dosn't know what noises are associated with boats and the water, but the Fisher chuggs along "clonk , clonk" clonk, clonk".... he's at the helm smiling and brimming with the, I'm the Captain of my own ship feeling....

As he glides past people on the shore, they are all waving at him...... this is great thinks he.. new boat, a lovely warm day and all these friends I've made already... what lovely people boaters are....

He merrily continues on hs way clonk, clonk, clonk clonk..... after a couple of hours pottering around, can't go too far remember the engines shagged, he returns to the marina and glides to the pontoon......

Whereupon he is met by the local yacht club captain.....

Why didn't you answer your radio... "oh... didn't know I had one", did you not see everyone waving at you.. "oh aye says he... nice people you boaty lot"

It was then that the club captain pointed out that he had left without lifting the anchor.... hence the shagged engine, pedestrian pace and the clonk clonk clonk...

True story.

(B.W. if you ever read this I just had to..)


Well-known member
18 Sep 2003
Dorset/ Hampshire. south coast
Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

saw this today.

this guy was aground well on the port of the main channel into Portsmouth today, I went past on a rising tide just as he was being tugged clear and could move under his own power.


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30 Jun 2003
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Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

saw this today.this guy was aground well on the port of the main channel into Portsmouth today, I went past on a rising tide just as he was being tugged clear and could move under his own power.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's a bit embrassing. She (Speed One) was in Pompy for a refit. Hope the jet drives haven't got b*gg*red with all that Solent sand being sucked through them. /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

Nice to see the big boys get it wrong sometimes as well. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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24 Jan 2005
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Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

Been there done that no "T" shirt though!!!

not as much fun as tying up in a lock going down
Wot's that creaking noise?
Some plonker's must have tied up in the lock
B@!!@cks it's me
swift slash with the serated Knife and pretend ("it was NOT the crew's fault )

cheers Joe


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20 Feb 2004
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Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

Hope they get it sorted I've got a really cheap trip with them next month.


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9 Jan 2003
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Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

Not bringing one of my fenders in when going for a quick spin, then publishing (what I thought was) an excellent running shot on web, only to get torn apart for being a slacker.


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21 Dec 2001
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Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

Once I was launching our boat & a very friendly spectator was chatting to us while we got our boat ready for the short hop around to the marina.

After hanging out the fenders & attaching the mooring lines, the conversation turned to why the spectator was there, he admitted that he often used to hang around the slipway as he loved to see launching & recovery when it all goes wrong, he would then no doubt offer his expert advice in retrospect.

After wishing us good day he retired to his viewpoint.

My wife & I had done this hundreds of times,although it was a large boat, we knew the drill, she backed the car down untill the boat floated, I started the engine to get it nice & warm & then I simply reversed off the trailer...................?

For some reason this time it was not quite this simple,the boat went in a long way before it floated, I asked my wife to give the boat a push, all the time I was increasing throtle to pull the boat off, she couldn't push it off so a crowd gathered, they all tried to push, still no go.

Only then did it occur to me that when we were chatting to the spectator we had forgoten to unhook a 5ton loading strap at the stern, the reason the boat was low in the water was that all 1ton of trailer was hanging still attatched beneath the boat.

And yes before anyone chimes in it was a Bayliner


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8 Jan 2003
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Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

OK -
Summer last year, 4 freinds of ours turn up at the marina 'on the off chance' for a look at the boat - they only had an hour before they needed to head off but I still insisted they come out for a 'spin'.

Trouble is, we're berthed 6 miles from open water with a 6kt speed limit up river - I broke all my rules -ignored bilge blower 4 mins, engine warming up etc - and instead fired up, pushed the fenders over the guard rail and threw my warps on deck in my haste to show off my pride and joy.

Half an hour up river and after just performing my first piroette - everything went quiet with a judder - crap - picked up some floating rope - my Bowline!!

Won't bore you with the rest (me / pants / water / knife / everone p*ssed off and very late) - suffice it to say, major lesson learnt.


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24 Feb 2005
Hamble - SoF
Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

Er, well you see it happened like this,

Remember that old Bond movie with Roger Moore where they had that boat chase around some canals and rivers, the one with the fat American in it when Bond jumped in the car (red Jap compact thingy) he was test driving and said 'hey your that English secret agent, from England!', well that Bond movie, only I can't remember what it was called.

Remember when they were jumping those Glastron speed boats (the 1970's ones with sparkley paint jobs) over roads and sand banks?,

All I can say is it does'nt work in a Pirana dory with a 25hp Evinrude outboard, you just come to a grinding halt, arse over tit and the bottom half of your motor in three bits.

Well I was only 15!.

Copy of post from a while ago, still embarrasses me 25 years later, brother used it in his best man's speach at my wedding!


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29 Nov 2004
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Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

I recently moved the boat to a marina with shore power (a luxury we have not had in the past).

I loaded the family into the boat, started the engines, untied the ropes and pushed the throttle forwards. A chap fishing on the boat opposite us was shouting something, but I could not hear him over the diesel engine. I then noticed the shore power lead getting rather tight, before being pulled out of the boat and landing in the water. I don't think I was too popular for tripping the power.


Well-known member
7 Jan 2005
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Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?


Remember that old Bond movie with Roger Moore where they had that boat chase around some canals and rivers, the one with the fat American in it when Bond jumped in the car (red Jap compact thingy) he was test driving and said 'hey your that English secret agent, from England!', well that Bond movie, only I can't remember what it was called.

Remember when they were jumping those Glastron speed boats (the 1970's ones with sparkley paint jobs) over roads and sand banks?,

'Live and let die' speed boat chase
Jap car chase was' man with the Golden gun'

Confirm does not work even for Bond movies, they totaled the Sunseeker in the' World is not enough.'


Active member
24 Feb 2005
Hamble - SoF
Re: What\'s your biggest boating cock up ( that you care to share ) ?

Yes your right, remember now the right movie, got mixed up with the names, well you know the one I ment anyway.

It still amazes me that a reasonably intelligent young man could'nt figure out that the friction of a 16' hull on sand is like a brick through wet concrete and I was going to go no where fast.

Still its my claim to fame and it has been the source of amusement in my family for years, so good value for money all round I think.